[comp.sys.amiga.misc] Fish disk 438 and GadgetEd

IMS103@psuvm.psu.edu (Ian Matthew Smith) (02/17/91)

In article <1991Feb11.065655.19509@daffy.cs.wisc.edu>, pochron@cat55.cs.wisc.edu
(David Pochron) says:
>Has anyone else tried GadgetEd on Fish disk #438?  The one I downloaded from
>ux1 seems to be missing the "tools.library" or else I deleted it while moving
>the files around.  Does anyone have a working version of this program?

   Yep.  Tools.library can be found on the fish disks.  FF438 to
to be exact.  (Warining: Gripe ahead)  I can understand a program
not running without a library present, but it should NOT crash.
IMHO that is bad programming.  ALWAYS check to make sure you did
get teh library you asked for. ESPECIALLY if it is a non-standard
library that is not supplied with the system.  (End of Gripe)

Ian Smith <ims103@psuvm.psu.edu>