[comp.sys.amiga.misc] Amiga 3000UX Ethernet Tranceiver ???? Can I use A SUN one.?

rodney@solar.card.inpu.oz.au (Rodney Campbell) (02/13/91)

Does anybody know if I can use a generic (say a Sun SparcStations)
Ethernet Tranceiver and cable with the Amiga 3000 running UNIX. Can it
just be plugged into the ethernet output on the A3000UX..???
The reason why is that we are probably going to buy some A3000UX's here in
Australia but there are not ethernet tranceivers in stock....Not very
usefull for connecting to our ethernet and I was hoping that I could buy a
stock standard tranceiver and cable from Sun or another third party dealer
and just plug it in and away we go....
Any help or comments on this matter would be most appreciated.
Rodney Campbell	- Telecom Aust |MHSnet: rodney@solar.card.inpu.oz.au
Integrated Network Products    |Snail : 8th Floor, 91 York Street, Sydney 2000.
Customer Applications Research |  or PO Box A226, Sydney South 2000, Australia.
        & Development          |Phone : +61 (0)2 364 3346   Fax: +61 2 262 3813

martin@cbmvax.commodore.com (Martin Hunt) (02/13/91)

In article <1991Feb13.044538.796@solar.card.inpu.oz.au> rodney@solar.card.inpu.oz.au (Rodney Campbell) writes:
>Does anybody know if I can use a generic (say a Sun SparcStations)
>Ethernet Tranceiver and cable with the Amiga 3000 running UNIX. Can it
>just be plugged into the ethernet output on the A3000UX..???
>The reason why is that we are probably going to buy some A3000UX's here in
>Australia but there are not ethernet tranceivers in stock....Not very
>usefull for connecting to our ethernet and I was hoping that I could buy a
>stock standard tranceiver and cable from Sun or another third party dealer
>and just plug it in and away we go....
>Any help or comments on this matter would be most appreciated.
>                                                  Rodney....
>Rodney Campbell	- Telecom Aust |MHSnet: rodney@solar.card.inpu.oz.au
>Integrated Network Products    |Snail : 8th Floor, 91 York Street, Sydney 2000.
>Customer Applications Research |  or PO Box A226, Sydney South 2000, Australia.
>        & Development          |Phone : +61 (0)2 364 3346   Fax: +61 2 262 3813

Ethernet is ethernet.  The A3000 ethernet card has perfectly standard thinwire
and AUI connectors.  You can use any ethernet transceiver and AUI
cable to connect you to a thick ethernet.  

Martin Hunt         Commodore-Amiga          martin@cbmvax.commodore.com  

"Windows 3.0 is hot because it's really fun.  It has brought some
excitement back into the PC industry" - Microsoft
I wonder who took the excitement out in the first place?

bdb@becker.UUCP (Bruce D. Becker) (02/17/91)

In article <1991Feb13.044538.796@solar.card.inpu.oz.au> rodney@solar.card.inpu.oz.au (Rodney Campbell) writes:
|Does anybody know if I can use a generic (say a Sun SparcStations)
|Ethernet Tranceiver and cable with the Amiga 3000 running UNIX. Can it
|just be plugged into the ethernet output on the A3000UX..???
|The reason why is that we are probably going to buy some A3000UX's here in
|Australia but there are not ethernet tranceivers in stock....Not very
|usefull for connecting to our ethernet and I was hoping that I could buy a
|stock standard tranceiver and cable from Sun or another third party dealer
|and just plug it in and away we go....
|Any help or comments on this matter would be most appreciated.

	Yes, the tranceivers should be generic.

	The Ethernet card needs to be told to
	talk to the 15-pin connector instead
	of the coax. You need to change a row
	of 6 jumpers from one side to the other
	to do this (it's near the connector
	end of the card).

  ,u,	 Bruce Becker	Toronto, Ontario
a /i/	 Internet: bdb@becker.UUCP, bruce@gpu.utcs.toronto.edu
 `\o\-e	 UUCP: ...!uunet!mnetor!becker!bdb
 _< /_	 "War is the first casualty of truth" - G. Gilmore