[comp.sys.amiga.misc] Amiga 3000, Partitions, MSDOS/MAC/AMIGA.

bjames@lehi3b15.csee.Lehigh.EDU (Binoy James [890904]) (02/18/91)


A friend of mine recently bought a 3000 with a 100meg drive and the 2286 
bridgeboard.  He will also be getting the Amax II+ card r.s.n.

He wants to partition his drive into 
		80 Megs for the Amiga
	        10 Megs PC
		10 Megs Mac

So I ran HDToolbox, setup the partitions and named them Amiga, PC and Mac.

Then I formatted the Amiga partition in Dos 2.0.   This worked fine.  
Once formatted, I tried to re-install the WorkBench 2.0 software on the hard
drive but when I run InstallHD from the Install disk, it says the hard drive 
cannot be found, make sure the hard drive is properly prepped and formatted!

What am I doing wrong?

If you need any more info let me know.
