[comp.sys.amiga.misc] AUX: terminal on Amiga Serial Port

yorkw@stable.ecn.purdue.edu (Willis F York) (02/11/91)

tbissett@nstar.rn.com (Travis Bissett) writes:
>yorkw@stable.ecn.purdue.edu (Willis F York) writes:
>[ some interesting info about AUX: and editors, etc., deleted ]

>>  IF ya meat an Amiga Owner that says: "I got my amiga Just to play games...:

>Hmmm . . . if ya don't mind my saying "meat an Amiga Owner" (sic) sounds a 
>little sick :-) Maybe it's just a typo and you meant to write "meet". Ont he 
>other hand, maybe it's a Freudian Slip kinda thing . . . Not that we should 
>make too much outta such trivialities :-)

Gee--- Never looked at my Own Sig.... I had a MAC-Bashing Sig, but i 
diden't want to start any FlameWars...

Gee I'd make a Nasty Atari ST Sig, but.... Why Bother....
I woulden't want to "stunt" the mental growth of any 6 yr old ST owners.
(Well that's their Mental age eh...)

Uncorrected sig follows ... I'll Edit it eh...

>internet: tbissett@nstar.rn.com -or- tbissett%nstar@iuvax.cs.indiana.edu
>uucp:     ..!uunet!nstar.rn.com!tbissett -or- ..!uunet!nstar!tbissett
>NSTAR Public Access 219-289-0287 - 1190 newsgroups - 1500 megabytes - 7 lines
yorkw@ecn.purdue.edu  Willis F York says:   
 IF ya meat an Amiga Owner that says: "I got my amiga Just to play games...:
there's only one thing to do...
Give him a Boot to the head... Then repeat .... Then repeat... 

kevin@cbmvax.commodore.com (Kevin Klop) (02/14/91)

In article <347@motto.UUCP> colin@motto.UUCP (Colin Chisholm) writes:
>   Hello!
>I am trying to run a dumb terminal off of my Amiga 1000 serial port 
>using the "NEWSHELL AUX:" command (after mounting the standard AUX:
>device). I hooked up my terminal and it worked! I just happened to
>set the terminal to the correct parameters (9600 baud, 8 data bits,
>no parity). There was no indication in the AmigaDos 1.3 supplements
>to indicate that this was the set up. 
>I was wondering:
>[1] Is there any way to adjust the serial parameters (ie: higher 
>baud rate, parity changes, etc)? I am assuming not.

Yep.  Use the Serial Preference editor to set the parameters.

>[2] I tried running Manx's VI-like editor Z and got a software 
>error: I am assuming that Z wont work properly from an AUX:
>terminal. Does anyone know of a decent editor that will work under
>such a set up? (mail me the source code for any suitable PD editors
>and I will be eternally grateful). 

Offhand, the only one that I KNOW will work is Edit - the one that
comes with the amiga.

>[3] Are there any alternate PD device handlers I could mount and 
>use to replace AUX: that would handle a terminal as I want? (Again, 
>if you mailed me the source code...)

Have you tried CMD?

			-- Kevin --

Kevin Klop		{uunet|rutgers|amiga}!cbmvax!kevin
Commodore-Amiga, Inc.

	``Be excellent to each other.''
		- Bill and Ted's most excellent adventure

Disclaimer: _I_ don't know what I said, much less my employer.

jnmoyne@lbl.gov (Jean-Noel MOYNE) (02/15/91)

In article <18934@cbmvax.commodore.com> kevin@cbmvax.commodore.com (Kevin 
Klop) writes:
> >[2] I tried running Manx's VI-like editor Z and got a software 
> >error: I am assuming that Z wont work properly from an AUX:
> >terminal. Does anyone know of a decent editor that will work under
> >such a set up? (mail me the source code for any suitable PD editors
> >and I will be eternally grateful). 
> Offhand, the only one that I KNOW will work is Edit - the one that
> comes with the amiga.

           The problem with these vi clones on the Amiga is that even if 
they only use the console and standard ANSI codes (means you could run 
them on a vt100 terminal for example), all of them use dos packets to know 
the size (in lines and columns) of the console window. And when you run a 
newshell aux: and try try to send such dos packets dos will tell you that 
the current window size is 0,0 (I think it's 0,0 if it's not, it's a wrong 
and incoherent number anyway), because there's no window.

           The only program that I know of that handles this situation 
properly is CBM's own C:more that you'll find on every good workbench 
disk. More does also query the console to know the number of lines of the 
current console window has. When you run it from AUX: it sees that the 
number is incoherent, and does the only smart thing you can do: it takes a 
default value of 25 lines. So, try to use more on a newshell aux: it will 
work very well if you have a standard terminal (I mean most of the 
terminal are used in 80colsX25lines mode).

            Since stevie comes with the source code, you can easily modify 
it so that if the numbers coming from the dos packets are inconsistents 
you assume that the window size if 80x25. Since it's unlikely that we'll 
have a termcap.lib on the Amiga anytime soon that's the best thing you can 

            Of course, Kevin is right,  C:edit works with a newshell AUX:, 
it's the original edit you'll find almost everywhere (or close to). The 
sort of things made to work on a simple tty, but a vi clone would be much 

        Oh ! Another thing, be carefull, some (most) of the Amiga programs 
using the console use the ANSI sequence 0x9b as CSI, 0x9b is the same as 
0x1b[  (esc [), but be carefull, if you're using a 7 bits link or if your 
terminal doesn't know about 0x9b all the escape sequences will go away. So 
if you have such a problem, modify the program so that it send esc[ 
instead of 0x9b. You won't see any difference on the Amiga side, but it'll 
work on the terminal in 7 bits. (once again, more is clean for that).

         And the last trick, for those of you who owe a minitel. Newshell 
aux: works very well with a minitel (7 bits! Even parity) (minitel 1b can 
go up to 4800 bauds, and minitel 2 to 9600).


These are my own ideas (not LBL's)

dac@prolix.pub.uu.oz.au (Andrew Clayton) (02/16/91)

In article <9936@dog.ee.lbl.gov>, Jean-Noel MOYNE writes:

> In article <18934@cbmvax.commodore.com> kevin@cbmvax.commodore.com (Kevin 
> Klop) writes:
> > >[2] I tried running Manx's VI-like editor Z and got a software 
> > >error: I am assuming that Z wont work properly from an AUX:
> > >terminal. Does anyone know of a decent editor that will work under
> > >such a set up? (mail me the source code for any suitable PD editors
> > >and I will be eternally grateful). 
> > 
> > Offhand, the only one that I KNOW will work is Edit - the one that
> > comes with the amiga.
> > 
>            The problem with these vi clones on the Amiga is that even if 


Is that vi is for statistical stress beam weenies ...

Get a REAL editor. Cygnus Ed Pro Release 2. Or the new TurboText, (If it is,
infact, marketted yet). Shareware options are QED and AZ-ed. Excellent. 

[Not a flame, honest. :-)]

>                   JNM

 _l _  _   // Andrew Clayton. Canberra, Australia.         I Post  .
(_](_l(_ \X/  Send mail to dac@prolix.pub.uu.oz.au                . .  I am.

peter@sugar.hackercorp.com (Peter da Silva) (02/16/91)

I've just posted a hacked-up version of Elvis that runs on the Amiga. No
source: I don't think Steve would thank me for encouraging variants of older
versions. Check alt.sources.amiga.

It *should* run on the AUX: device, but no guarantees.
Peter da Silva.   `-_-'

nikolai@guru.pub.uu.oz.au (nikolai kingsley) (02/19/91)

> Gee--- Never looked at my Own Sig.... I had a MAC-Bashing Sig, but i 
> diden't want to start any FlameWars...
i'll be in that!  did you know... system seven has not been released yet, 
and they are publishing BOOKS about it already?   and which company flew 
in an expert from the states to give a talk on video-conferencing that 
went for three minutes?   gues..
saint nikolai
mac basher at large