[comp.sys.amiga.misc] PD I/O Expansion Board

mohabir@arisia.Xerox.COM (Daniel A. Mohabir) (02/20/91)

Does anyone know the email address of Jeff Lavin? I was reading the Amazing 
Computing article on his I/O expansion board for the A1000/A2000 and I 
thought it was a shame that owners of the A3000 (I am one) cannot use this 
board. I would like to get the schematics for this board with the objective 
of designing a board that would plug into an A3000 slot and use all the 
drivers that are already written for this board. It does not seem like a 
difficult task. Basically, the exact addresses have to be decoded and timing 
requirements met. Although I have never designed expansion boards for the 
expansion slots of the Amiga, I have designed specific-purpose computers 
using the 68000 and 68020. So, if someone can get me the schematics, I 
would appreciate it. 
Also, if anyone know why this would be a difficult undertaking, I would also 
appreciate your input. The way I see it, two PALs for the address decoding  
and handshaking and the rest of the circuit would be the same as Jeff Lavine's.
Thanks for any input.

|  Daniel A. Mohabir           |  Phone:         |  Amiga.            |
|  Email: mohabir@arisia.UUCP  |  (716)427-1886  |  Just do it!       |