[comp.sys.amiga.misc] Fucking Amiga twerps!

jma@beach.cis.ufl.edu (John 'Vlad' Adams) (02/11/91)

In article <1991Feb10.094532.1871@sactoh0.sac.ca.us      mfolivo@sactoh0.sac.ca.us (Mark Newton John) writes:
     You godd damned Amiga shit for brains dweebs, STAY OFF THE FUCKING
     I'm fucking tired from seeing your bullshit on this group. Don't
     you have anything better to do? Why not bug Apple? I don't GIVE A
     FLAMIN shit about your system, so stay the bloody hell in your own
     little hole.
     WHat is it with you morons? Are you so bloody insecure or what? You
     want to fight, I'll kick your fuckin' little brains all over the
     Am I pissed? Damn right. And I am not the only one.
     Say what you will, you shits, stay on your own fucking side.
     the good guys!               Sakura-mendo, CA
           Internet:  mfolivo@sactoh0.SAC.CA.US

Oh dear.  You frighten me.  Help Help.  Get a LIFE and some

John  M.  Adams   --***--   Professional Student      ///
Internet: jma@beach.cis.ufl.edu     Genie:  vlad     ///  Only the Amiga
Sysop of The Beachside, Amiga BBS, Paragon 2.085  \\V//  Makes it Possible
Fido Net 1:3612/557.   904-492-2305    (Florida)   \X/

hawk@pnet01.cts.com (John Anderson) (02/11/91)

>You godd damned Amiga shit for brains dweebs, STAY OFF THE FUCKING       
>ATARI NEWSGROUP!.                                                        
>I'm fucking tired from seeing your bullshit on this group. Don't         
>you have anything better to do? Why not bug Apple? I don't GIVE A        
>FLAMIN shit about your system, so stay the bloody hell in your own       
>little hole.                                                             
>WHat is it with you morons? Are you so bloody insecure or what? You      
>want to fight, I'll kick your fuckin' little brains all over the         
>Am I pissed? Damn right. And I am not the only one.                      
>Say what you will, you shits, stay on your own fucking side.             
Hey dipshit. Why don't you get your head out of your ass and look         
at the groups this is crossposted to. comp.sys.atari.st, *comp.sys.amiga*.
We are in our group, but the originator crossposted this so the replies   
go over to your side also, ya dip-ass.

cole@kuhub.cc.ukans.edu (02/14/91)

In article <1991Feb10.094532.1871@sactoh0.sac.ca.us>, mfolivo@sactoh0.sac.ca.us (Mark Newton John) writes:
> You godd damned Amiga shit for brains dweebs, STAY OFF THE FUCKING
> I'm fucking tired from seeing your bullshit on this group. Don't
> you have anything better to do? Why not bug Apple? I don't GIVE A
> FLAMIN shit about your system, so stay the bloody hell in your own
> little hole.
> WHat is it with you morons? Are you so bloody insecure or what? You
> want to fight, I'll kick your fuckin' little brains all over the
> floor.
> Am I pissed? Damn right. And I am not the only one.
> Say what you will, you shits, stay on your own fucking side.


Is this posting for real?  If it is for real I'll have to congratulate
the poster!  I was having a pretty dull day before I read this.  It's
too bad this poor sucker bought an ST.  Especially now since the bottom
of the ST market has just dropped out.  Oh well, live and learn
> -- 
> the good guys!               Sakura-mendo, CA
>       Internet:  mfolivo@sactoh0.SAC.CA.US

lou@vaxsc (02/15/91)

In article <28559.27b91249@kuhub.cc.ukans.edu>, cole@kuhub.cc.ukans.edu writes
(edited for TV version)

>In article <1991Feb10.094532.1871@sactoh0.sac.ca.us>,
mfolivo@sactoh0.sac.ca.us >(Mark Newton John) writes:
>> You g**d d**ned Amiga s**t for brains dweebs, STAY OFF THE F**KING
>> I'm f**king tired from seeing your bulls**t on this group. Don't
>> you have anything better to do? Why not bug Apple? I don't GIVE A
>> FLAMIN s**t about your system, so stay the bloody hell in your own
>> little hole.
>> WHat is it with you morons? Are you so bloody insecure or what? You
>> want to fight, I'll kick your f**kin' little brains all over the
>> floor.
>> Am I pissed? Damn right. And I am not the only one.
>> Say what you will, you s**ts, stay on your own f**king side.
>Is this posting for real?  If it is for real I'll have to congratulate
>the poster!  I was having a pretty dull day before I read this.  It's
>too bad this poor sucker bought an ST.  Especially now since the bottom
>of the ST market has just dropped out.  Oh well, live and learn
>> -- 
>> the good guys!               Sakura-mendo, CA
>>       Internet:  mfolivo@sactoh0.SAC.CA.US

	Yep, it seems to be for real!  In case anyone's interested,
	I mailed this clown a copy of Matt Bishop's "how2usenet".
	I specifically pointed out item 3.2, which I quote below:

	"3.2.  Do not post anything when upset, angry, or intoxicated"

	Sounds to me like he blew  it on all 3 counts.   Oh yea, 
	this guy has nerve, "the good guys!"  Good according to whom?

        -Lou Williams            Via Bitnet :   william8@niehs.bitnet
                        Via Internet:   lou@vaxsc.niehs.nih.gov
        Computer Sciences Corporation,    Research Triangle Park, NC
        -Sometimes in order to feel better about yourself, you have to
        make others feel bad, and I'm tired of making others feel good
        about themselves.               -Homer Simpson.

whos@ddsw1.MCS.COM (Ben Feen) (02/20/91)

I mailed the idiot in question this gem:

	             The USENET Guide to Power Posting

1.   Conspiracies abound:  If everyone's against you, the reason
	can't *possibly* be that you're a fuckhead.  There's obviously
	a conspiracy against you, and you will be doing the entire
	net a favor by exposing it.  Be sure to mention the CIA, FBI
	Oliver North and the Army as co-conspiritors.

2.   Lawsuit threats:  This is the reverse of Rule #1.  Threatening a
	lawsuit is always considered to be in good form.  "By saying that
	I've posted to the wrong group, Charlie has libeled me, slandered
	me, and sodomized me.  See you in court, Charlie."

3.   Force them to document their claims:  Even if Jane Jones states
	outright that she has menstrual cramps, you should demand
	documentation.  If Newsweek hasn't written an article on Jane's
	cramps, then Jane's obviously lying.

4.   Use foreign phrases:  French is good, but Latin is the lingua franca
	of USENET.  You should use the words "ad hominem" at least three
	times per article.  Other favorite Latin phrases are "ad nauseam",
	"vini, vidi, vici", "E Pluribus Unum" and "fetuccini alfredo".
	[and of course, who can forget "semper ubi sub ubi"?  -jjw]

5.   Tell 'em how smart you are:  Why use intelligent arguments to
	convince them you're smart when all you have to do is tell them?
	State that you're a member of Mensa or Mega or Dorks of America.
	Tell them the scores you received on every exam since high school.
	"I got an 800 on my SATs, LSATs, GREs, MCATs, and I can also spell
	the word 'premeiotic' ".  

6.   Be an armchair psychologist:  You're a smart person.  You've heard of
	Freud.  You took a psychology course in college.  Clearly, you're
	qualified to psychoanalyze your opponent.  "Polly Purebread, by
	using the word 'zucchini' in her posting, shows she has a bad case
	of penis envy."

7.   Accuse your opponent of censorship.  It is your right as an American
	citizen to post whatever the hell you want to the net (as guaranteed
	by the 37th Amendment, I think).  Anyone who tries to limit your
	cross-posting or move a flame war to email is either a Communist, a
	fascist, or both.

8.   Doubt their existence:  You've never actually seen your opponent, 
	have you?  And since you're the center of the universe, you should
	have seen them by now, shouldn't you?  Therefore, THEY DON'T EXIST!
	Call'em an AI project, to really piss them off.
	[HCIII, where are you? Does this sound familiar?]

9.   Laugh at whatever they write.  A good "HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA"
	should intimidate just about anyone.

10.  When in doubt, insult:  If you forget the other rules, remember
	this one.  At some point during your wonderful career on USENET
	you will undoubtedly end up in a flame war with someone who is
	better than you.  This person will expose your lies, tear apart your
	arguments, make you look generally like a bozo.  At this point,
	there's only one thing to do:  insult the dirtbag!!!  "Oh yeah?
	Well, you do strange things with vegetables."

11.  Make things up about your opponent:  It's important to make your lies
	sound true.  Preface your argument with the word "clearly."
	"Clearly, Fred Flooney is a liar, and a dirtball to boot."

12.  Cross-post your article:  Everyone on the net is just waiting for
	the next literary masterpiece to leave your terminal.  From
	rec.arts.wobegon to alt.gourmand, they're all holding their breaths
	until your next flame.  Therefore, post everywhere.

13.  Use the smiley to your advantage.  You can call anyone just about
	anything as long as you include the smiley.  On really nasty attacks
	add "No flames, please".  When they bitch, call them an ass for not
	being able to recognize sarcasm when they see it.

14.  Should you post something exceedingly stupid and later regret it, don't
	worry.  You needn't cancel the article.  That only shows what a wimp
	you really are.  Deny that you ever sent it.  "It must be a
	forgery!"  (Yea, that's the ticket, it's a forgery!)  "Someone broke
	into my account and sent it!"  "It's that damn backbone cabal out to
	get me!"  Take your pick, they've all been used before.

15.  A really cheap shot is to call you opponent a "facist".  By itself, it
	really does nothing.  But, when used often, and in enough articles,
	it can make you a net-legend.

16.  Lie, cheat, steal, kill, leave the toilet seat up.

17.  Never post to alt.flame.  If you do this, then you must really be
	desperate to flame someone.  Wherever this flame war started,
	keep it there.  Everyone on the net is waiting for the outcome.

18.  Watch out for vigilantes.  These people will often e-mail you
	and tell you that your flame in alt.folklore.computers is 'not
	appropriate.'  What you should do about this is flame him/her the
	next chance you get (or sooner). Accuse them of taking away your
	rights guaranteed to you by the 37th amendment (see Rule 7).

19.  And finally, never edit your newsgroup line when following up (unless
	you're expanding it).  This drives 'em wild.  Be sure to follow up
	as many articles as possible, even if you have nothing to say.  The
	important thing is to get "exposure" so that you can be called a
	"regular" in your pet newsgroup.  Never change the ">" symbol when
	following up; that's for wimps.  Dump a hundred lines of "INEWS
	FODDER" in every article.

	The Golden Rule of Flaming:

	My flames will be  witty, insulting, interesting, funny, caustic,
	or sarcastic, but never, ever, will they be boring.

	Here endeth the scriptures.

whos@ddsw1.MCS.COM | I don't know, who's at DDSW1? | whos@ddsw1.MCS.COM!
I asked YOU who's at DDSW1! Ok, there's a guy at DDSW1, right? | Right!
Who? | Exactly! | What? | No, he's at lll-winken. | Where? | No, What! |  I
don't know! | He's at gargoyle. | Who? | No, he's at DDSW1.MCS.COM!