dcoteles@bonnie.ics.uci.edu (David Domenick Cotelessa) (02/20/91)
I was wondering if anyone has a program that can download from the ser- ial port. (I just got a connection to the Sequent computer on campus via the serial port, but there are no programs I know of that regulate the serial port output for downloading to Amiga from the net. (Basically, all the progr- ams I could find was the Telnet program for Mac<bleagh>.)) Can anyone help me find such a program? If so, how would you use it? (I've been having a ton o' trouble getting progs to work......) =_====================_========_===_=========================================== | \ . . / \ | | | | | Address: (dcoteles@bonnie.ics.uci.edu) |_/ /||\ |\ /\\ / | __ /\ | | | | | Other : (eaou020@orion.oac.uci.edu) |\ /_|| ||<| |\/ | || | \| \| |"Omphaloskepsis - The act of | \/ ||/ |/ \/ / \_/ \/ () () | contemplating one's navel" - Webster's ===============================================================================