[comp.sys.amiga.misc] MSH Is it 3000 compatable

clindsey@nmsu.edu (Coy Lindsey) (02/15/91)

I recently FTPed a copy of messydos to use on my 3000.  After
placing the library and other files in there proper directory and
modifying the mountlist I though I was ready.  Well I was able to
mount MSH but I was hoping that formatting a disk would do more than
act as a head cleaner (drive just keeps on spinning).  The version I
got was 1.5 is it compatable with a 3000 WB2.0?  If not is there a
newer version that is?  Any help with this will be greatly

Coy Lindsey

sparks@disk.uucp (John Sparks) (02/16/91)

clindsey@nmsu.edu (Coy Lindsey) writes:

>I recently FTPed a copy of messydos to use on my 3000.  After
>placing the library and other files in there proper directory and
>modifying the mountlist I though I was ready.  Well I was able to
>mount MSH but I was hoping that formatting a disk would do more than
>act as a head cleaner (drive just keeps on spinning). 

I just put up MSH on my 3000 also. same problems. It can read msdos disks and
files ok, but it has problems writing to the disk. I put a bunch of files on 
an MSDOS floppy at work and took it home. I could read the floppy fine. I 
copied the files off of it, no problem. But when I tried to erase the files
from the floppy (so I would have room to copy some files to it later) it
got kinda flakey. Under Shell, I said "delete msh:#?.lzh" 
It came back and said "cant find Lock.lzh" (lock.lzh was the first file when
I did a dir). Under CShell 4.01 i said "rm *", and it goes ahead and says
it deleted the files. But it doesn't. when I did a dir after deleting the
files, it shows up as empty, but when  I rebooted and looked at it, the
files were still there.

John Sparks        |"Help Fight Continental Drift!"| (502)968-DISK 2400 BPS
D.I.S.K. Management| Email: sparks@disk.UUCP       | 7 lines, public access unix
    *Online Games*Usenet*Email*Chatting*Downloads*Supporting all computers*

prgf-076@byse.nada.kth.se (Anonymous student account) (02/18/91)

In article <1991Feb16.014253.10329@disk.uucp> sparks@disk.uucp (John Sparks) writes:
>But when I tried to erase the files
>from the floppy (so I would have room to copy some files to it later) it
>got kinda flakey. Under Shell, I said "delete msh:#?.lzh" 

As far as I recall, MSH uses messydos pattern matching. Thus, you need to use
"delete msh:*.*" to erase the files.

>John Sparks        |"Help Fight Continental Drift!"| (502)968-DISK 2400 BPS
>D.I.S.K. Management| Email: sparks@disk.UUCP       | 7 lines, public access unix
>    *Online Games*Usenet*Email*Chatting*Downloads*Supporting all computers*

Lars Engebretsen
Student at the Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden.

sparks@disk.uucp (John Sparks) (02/19/91)

prgf-076@byse.nada.kth.se (Anonymous student account) writes:

|>But when I tried to erase the files
|>from the floppy (so I would have room to copy some files to it later) it
|>got kinda flakey. Under Shell, I said "delete msh:#?.lzh" 

|As far as I recall, MSH uses messydos pattern matching. Thus, you need to use
|"delete msh:*.*" to erase the files.

I tried that just now. no dif. It said it deleted the files but it didn't.

I think it has something to do with either wb 2.0 or the 3000. I will try
it on WB 1.3 next and see what happens.

John Sparks        |"Help Fight Continental Drift!"| (502)957-4200 2400 BPS
D.I.S.K. Management| Email: sparks@disk.UUCP       | 6 lines, public access unix
    *Online Games*Usenet*Email*Chatting*Downloads*Supporting all computers*

rhialto@cs.kun.nl (Olaf'Rhialto'Seibert) (02/21/91)

In article <1991Feb17.175200.20919@nada.kth.se> prgf-076@byse.nada.kth.se (Anonymous student account) writes:
>As far as I recall, MSH uses messydos pattern matching. Thus, you need to use
>"delete msh:*.*" to erase the files.

Fortunately, it doesn't. Pattern matching is not handled by the file system.

Unfortunately, writing to floppies with messydisk.device simply does not
work under 2.0. I know why, but I don't know why, if you get what I mean.