[comp.sys.amiga.misc] PC Magazine Feb 26 and Video Toaster

gerry@dialogic.com (Gerry Lachac) (02/19/91)

Yet another Video Toaster sighting, this time in the "preview" section
of PC Magazine.  The kicker with this one is that they suggest that an
Amiga 2000 with toaster would make an excellent *peripheral* to a PC.
Their ideal desktop video system included a PC.  I didn't know whether
to laugh or cry...

DEB110@psuvm.psu.edu (Doug Bischoff) (02/21/91)

     I saw this, too, and really didn't know what to think.  It's like the Mac
user who asks, "what do I need to buy to get true multitasking?"  Why, just
get an Amiga.  If you have to use Mac Stuff, get Amax-II.  You'll get a faster
machine that's still cheaper than a Mac IIxx!
     They were serious about having the Toaster-equipped A2X00 be a PERIPHERAL
to a PC... it was momentarily humorous, then I was angry, now just subtly
depressed.  It's disheartening!  That with their new standards of multimedia
that cost around $10,000 they could have a Toastered, Digiview'ed upgraded
flicker-fixed huge disk drive lotsa memory amiga for a little over HALF that!

| -Doug  Bischoff- |    *** ***    ====--\         | "I'm not God...  |
| -DEB110 @ PSUVM- |   *  ***  *     ==|<>\___     |    I was just    |
| -The Black Ring- |    *** ***        |______\    |       misquoted!"|
| --- "Wheels" --- |      ***           O   O      |   -Dave Lister   |
| Corwyn Blakwolfe |     T.R.I.     -------------  |    RED DWARF     |