[comp.sys.amiga.misc] Feb 1991 BADGE Meeting Notice

thad@btr.btr.com (02/21/91)

[ Apologies for this late posting; the meeting is THURSDAY (this week) ]

BADGE (Bay Area Amiga Developers' GroupE) will host its February 1991 meeting
at 7:30 PM in the SLAC Main Auditorium, 2575 Sand Hill Road, Menlo Park (just
north (logical east) of I-280) on Thursday, Feb. 21, 1991.  Admission is free.
Everyone is welcome to attend although the meetings are oriented to the Amiga
developer community.

The featured speaker is Mike Farren discussing:

	Multitasking-friendly game design techniques.

Identify yourself at SLAC's guard booth as a BADGE attendee and park in the
visitors' lot to the right, then walk across the driveway to the Auditorium.

For those arriving from out-of-town, Palo Alto is the nearest major city.  SLAC
is 20-30 minutes from either the San Francisco or San Jose airports.  For those
who've asked: SLAC == Stanford Linear Accelerator Center, the home of Amiga VLT
and Willy Langeveld (VLT's author and BIX's Amiga Forum Co-Moderator).

Thad Floryan [ thad@btr.com (OR) {decwrl, mips, fernwood}!btr!thad ]
	work: +1 (408) 985-7100 (M-F 11a-7p PST), or
	home: +1 (415) 961-5157 (M-F  9p-3a PST, and weekends)