[comp.sys.amiga.misc] *.DMS files

hps@INEL.GOV (Randall M. Heaps) (02/21/91)

There was a program called DMS (Disk Masher?) on Fish 406... the files
it creates are .DMS files of the "mashed" disk.  I assume it is needed
to unmash them... unless they are executables?  Hope this helps.

Randy Heaps (hps@inel.gov)

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fhwri%CONNCOLL.BITNET@yalevm.ycc.yale.edu (02/21/91)

There was a program called DMS (Disk Masher?) on Fish 406... the files it create
> it creates are .DMS files of the "mashed" disk.  I assume it is needed
> to unmash them... unless they are executables?  Hope this helps.

You do indeed need DMS to either create or write *.DMS files. They are
just like *.WRP files; in fact, both programs are from the same outfit
(SDS). DMS is FAR superior, and, using CMODE 4, can really crunch a disk

                                                --Rick Wrigley
                                ~~~second-hand smoke is THEFT~~~