[comp.sys.amiga.misc] What BYTE BANDIT VIRUS does? I found one...

GELSON%SBU.UFRGS.ANRS.BR@uicvm.uic.edu (Gelson Dias Santos) (02/19/91)

     Hello people,

     Last weekend I initialized my system with a friend's bootable disk to see
some improvments he did in his startup-sequence. After, I reseted my system and
initialized with my workbench, who have the program Virus_checker5.12 instaled.
Imediately it found a Byte Bandit in memory !! The program disabled the virus
and after I removed it from my friend's disk.
     I want to know what IS the Byte Bandit, and what it does.The virus_checker
docs only list all known viruses, but not what it does. How can I get a detailed
 description of the virus damages (maybe in the docs of other antivirus program?
). This was the first virus I ever found, and I am a little scared.

    Thanks in advance
         *****    # Gelson Dias Santos                #
   /\/\       **  # BITNET: GELSON@SBU.UFRGS.ANRS.BR  #  Please, don't look my
  /    \-------\* # HOME: Av. Bento Goncalves 948/12  # grammar/spelling errors.
 ! 0  0 !    _  ! #       Porto Alegre - RS CEP:90620 # I am learning english !
 !  ^^  !   (   ! #       Brazil                      #
  \_()_/  _(    ) #=============================================================
 (__(____(_____)  #     Alguem ai fala portugues?     #

hychejw@infonode.ingr.com (Jeff W. Hyche) (02/20/91)

GELSON%SBU.UFRGS.ANRS.BR@uicvm.uic.edu (Gelson Dias Santos) writes:

>     Last weekend I initialized my system with a friend's bootable disk to see
>some improvments he did in his startup-sequence. After, I reseted my system and
>initialized with my workbench, who have the program Virus_checker5.12 instaled.
>Imediately it found a Byte Bandit in memory !! The program disabled the virus
>and after I removed it from my friend's disk.
>     I want to know what IS the Byte Bandit, and what it does.The virus_checker
>docs only list all known viruses, but not what it does. How can I get a detailed
> description of the virus damages (maybe in the docs of other antivirus program?
>). This was the first virus I ever found, and I am a little scared.

	What you've got is alittle piece of history there.  The Byte
Bandit was the second realy big virus on the Amiga about 3 years ago.
Well it was the second big virus I heard about.  All it does is lock up
your console after awhile.  I doesn't attack hard drives and it doesn't
mess up data, other than the boot blocks of the disk.  When it locks up
your console your can restore it and disable the virus by pressing the
five bottom keys from left to right.  alt,amiga,space bar,amiga,alt. (or
is that right to left?).  Well anyways it doesn't trash memory so
anything you were working will still be there so you can save your work
and deal with the virus.  All in all its harmless, except to
formitinoned disk blocks.

                                  // Jeff Hyche           
    There can be only one!    \\ //  Usenet: hychejw@infonode.ingr.com
                               \X/   Freenet: ap255@po.CWRU.Edu

gjc@lsw.UUCP (Greg Casamento) (02/21/91)

In article <45082@nigel.ee.udel.edu>, GELSON%SBU.UFRGS.ANRS.BR@uicvm.uic.edu (Gelson Dias Santos) writes:
>      Hello people,
>      Last weekend I initialized my system with a friend's bootable disk to see
> some improvments he did in his startup-sequence. After, I reseted my system and
> initialized with my workbench, who have the program Virus_checker5.12 instaled.
> Imediately it found a Byte Bandit in memory !! The program disabled the virus
> and after I removed it from my friend's disk.

The Byte Bandit virus resides in memory and wats for a disk to be inserted.
Once a disk is placed in the drive the virus proceeds to install a copy of
itself onto the bootblock.  It does this so that every time you boot up with
an infected disk the virus will pop itself into memory.  A big problem with
any virus is that it doesn't care what it installs itself on.  This creates
a problem when you are using certain copy protected games which don't use
standard boot sectors.  Eventuall the virus may display a message on your
screen, but I wouldn't wait until that point to go through some of your most
recently used disks to make sure they are not infected.

Remember some of your disks may not have standard boot blocks. Whatever 
virus protection program you are using may not be able to tell regular
boot blobks from special boot blocks.  Another thing to look for is a
boot block archiver.   This nifty littlr program takes the boot block from
almost *ANY* disk and saves it in a file.  That way, incase one of your
special disks *DOES* get infected then you will have a backup of it's boot

This actually happened to me once and I went through *ALL* my disks looking
for the infected ones.  Lemme tell ya, by the time I got to them almost *ALL*
of my disks had been infected.  Luckily none of my copy protected games had
been touched (whew!).

Well, I hope this helps....

And remember, look out for those disks that you suspect have special boot
blocks and *ALWAYS*, *ALWAYS* make backups of your floppies and hard drive!

Gregory John Casamento (The Borgster!!!)
            Standard Disclaimer: All standard disclaimers apply! :)