[comp.sys.amiga.misc] A2091 Wanted

tjhayko@THUNDER.LAKEHEADU.CA (02/21/91)

Well, after seeing the new educational price list that was posted
to  the  net yesterday, my mouth is watering for a new A2091 con-
troller to replace my old, nonautobooting controller.  My  dealer
is a certified zero (he refuses to admit that an A2091 exists! :(
), so I can't get on there.  Does anyone know of any dealers  who
will  sell  me  an  A2091  at  close  to the educational price of
$119.95 in US funds?  I'd like a dealer in Canada,  if  possible,
though  some one in the US wouldn't be too ba , and it would need
to be someone who will ship it to me.  Or, if  anyone  out  there
has  one to sell, with or without ram for a reasonable price, let
me know that too.  Thanks.

* Tom Hayko                    * only the Amiga         /// *
* tjhayko@thunder.lakeheadu.ca * (Commodore is starting///  *
*                              *    to know that)  \\\///   *
*                              * and it's about time\XX/    *