[comp.sys.amiga.misc] Educational Disc. & RF modulator q's

ajf1@cunixa.cc.columbia.edu (Allen J. Fisch) (02/22/91)

I am about to buy an A500 system under Educational discount and have a
few questions:

1)  I thought that Commodore started charging sales tax because you
now receive the computer directly from the dealer's stock.  My dealer
says No, there still is a waiting period.  Which is right?

2)  I have seen messages here on the net that Ed prices are changing
AGAIN soon.  Frankly I was a bit peeved when I saw prices just WENT UP
two weeks ago (who ever heard of computer prices rising?!).  Have
there been any rumors about the direction of this next price change?
I'd hate to have bought my computer at its few-week-price-height.

3) How useable is the computer with the RF modulator and a TV?  (I'm
thinking of leaving my monitor in my dorm over the summer and taking
only the computer home, using the RF mod. and TV, for those few


-Avi Fisch <ajf1@cunixa.cc.columbia.edu>

dave@cs.arizona.edu (Dave P. Schaumann) (02/22/91)

In article <1991Feb21.213808.978@cunixf.cc.columbia.edu> ajf1@cunixa.cc.columbia.edu (Allen J. Fisch) writes:
>3) How useable is the computer with the RF modulator and a TV?  (I'm
>thinking of leaving my monitor in my dorm over the summer and taking
>only the computer home, using the RF mod. and TV, for those few

Take your monitor home.  The RF modulator is ok for looking at pictures and
animations, and like that -- but if you want to do any text work, the picture
is just too fuzzy.  Unless you want to go to a 60x25 screen -- it might be
almost bearable then.  However, you'll probably still end up wishing you
had a real monitor.

Alternatively, you could get a cheap monochrome monitor for ~$100.

>-Avi Fisch <ajf1@cunixa.cc.columbia.edu>
Dave Schaumann      | Is this question undecidable?
dave@cs.arizona.edu |