[comp.sys.amiga.misc] I/O Expansion Board

mohabir@arisia.Xerox.COM (Daniel A. Mohabir) (02/21/91)

This message is about the I/O expansion board article in the February 
issue of Amazing computing. For those of you not familiar with the article, 
it is a PD hardware project that lets you add up to 4 additional serial and 
4 additional parallel ports to an Amiga A1000/A2000; but not to the A3000. 
Guess what computer I now have. Right, an A3000. And I sold my A2000 only 
two weeks ago. Well, I wanted to know how difficult it would be to create 
a Zorro II card to do the same thing. The Zorro II card will work in either 
the A3000 or the A2000. After receiving email from Dan Babcock (he did the 
serial driver) and talking the Jeff Lavin (he designed the hardware), I have 
decided to attempt the Zorro II design.
Now, I have done hardware designs using the 68000 and the 68020 so I am no 
stranger to Motorola microprocessors. But I have never done a Zorro card. So, 
of course I have some questions.
1986" for the A1000 (Yes, I did own an A1000 also). If I design a Zorro card 
based on these specifications, will the card work in an A2000 And A3000?
If not, what documentation should I use to get specifications for a Zorro II 
card? Ideally, I would like to get the Hardware specs and complete memory map 
for the A3000 but I am not sure if they are available. Besides, I am NOT an 
official developer.
If anyone would like to offer any advice on how to proceed, it would be very 
welcome; especially in the autoconfig area. That is new to me. Dan Babcock 
has already offered to make any software changes to make the driver work on 
this board and Jeff Lavin has offer to beta-test, so I think I have some 
support for doing this. So please, let the advice flow in.
And ANY advice would be welcomed.

|  Daniel A. Mohabir           |  Phone:         |  Amiga.            |
|  Email: mohabir@arisia.UUCP  |  (716)427-1886  |  Just do it!       |

daveh@cbmvax.commodore.com (Dave Haynie) (02/22/91)

In article <21321@know.pws.bull.com> mohabir@arisia.Xerox.COM (Daniel A. Mohabir) writes:

>1986" for the A1000 (Yes, I did own an A1000 also). If I design a Zorro card 
>based on these specifications, will the card work in an A2000 And A3000?

While the revised book of a similar nature, "A500/A2000 Technical Reference
Manual" is slightly clearer, I don't know of any problems with the A1000 
book.  Or, to look at it in a slightly different light, I have tested quite
a few boards designed based on that book in the A3000 (the A2090a and A2052
come to mind), and they work.

>If not, what documentation should I use to get specifications for a Zorro II 
>card? Ideally, I would like to get the Hardware specs and complete memory map 
>for the A3000 but I am not sure if they are available. Besides, I am NOT an 
>official developer.

I don't know what's being made available for the A3000.  Most of the A3000 has
been documented since before it shipped (a first!), but the best technical 
specs so far are only in the Atlanta DevCon notes.  The A3000's Zorro III
Specification only mentions the Zorro II bus in passing.  It indicates a few
thing to watch out for in Zorro II designs, and show you how a Zorro II
cycle fits into a Zorro III cycle.  Most of the caveats address problems with
marginal designs, or using unsupported features like VPA* and VMA* on the
bus.  If you follow the original rules very closely, you shouldn't have any

>|  Daniel A. Mohabir           |  Phone:         |  Amiga.            |

Dave Haynie Commodore-Amiga (Amiga 3000) "The Crew That Never Rests"
   {uunet|pyramid|rutgers}!cbmvax!daveh      PLINK: hazy     BIX: hazy
	"What works for me might work for you"	-Jimmy Buffett