[comp.sys.amiga.misc] KeyMapEd bug

sutela@polaris.utu.fi (Kari Sutela) (02/20/91)

gt1407b@prism.gatech.edu (SUTTON,MICHAEL SCOTT) writes:
>I do have one problem with KeyMapEd.  I cannot set Shift+Alt+<number> to 
>anything above 128.  KeyMapEd changes whatever I input (e.g. \xa3) 
>to \xff.  My question is WHY?

I noticed it, too.  I think that this is a bug in KeyMapEd.  Unfortunately,
I had to abandon using this otherwise nice program due to this bug (I really
NEED those characters with the hight bit set).

Is there a more recent version out without this bug? Where?

Kari Sutela	sutela@polaris.utu.fi

rusty@fe2o3.laurel.md.us (Rusty Haddock) (02/23/91)

In article <sutela.667056440@polaris> sutela@polaris.utu.fi (Kari Sutela) writes:
   >gt1407b@prism.gatech.edu (SUTTON,MICHAEL SCOTT) writes:
   >>I do have one problem with KeyMapEd.  I cannot set Shift+Alt+<number> to 
   >>anything above 128.  KeyMapEd changes whatever I input (e.g. \xa3) 
   >>to \xff.  My question is WHY?
   >I noticed it, too.  I think that this is a bug in KeyMapEd.  Unfortunately,
   >I had to abandon using this otherwise nice program due to this bug (I really
   >NEED those characters with the hight bit set).
   >Is there a more recent version out without this bug? Where?

More recent than what?  I have KeyMapEd version 1.1i and I do not
have this problem.  I have a usa0-meta which allows me to produce
all 256 characters.  There was an earlier version of KeyMapEd that
your problem may have existed within but it doesn't appear vers 1.1i
exhibits it. 

If anyone wants my keymap I'll be more than glad to uuencode it
and ship it your way.

Rusty Haddock		o  rusty@fe2o3.LAUREL.MD.US
Laurel, Maryland	o  {uunet,rutgers}!mimsy.umd.edu!fe2o3!rusty

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