[comp.sys.amiga.misc] A4000?

njg2@po.CWRU.Edu (J. Norell Guttman) (02/21/91)

When will the A4000 be released?  Will there be a new Paula & Denise?  
Will the U. of Lowell card be 24 bit and when will it come out?  Will it
be included in the system?  I need more info!

					J.Norell Guttman

chucks@pnet51.orb.mn.org (Erik Funkenbusch) (02/23/91)

njg2@po.CWRU.Edu (J. Norell Guttman) writes:
>When will the A4000 be released?  Will there be a new Paula & Denise?  
>Will the U. of Lowell card be 24 bit and when will it come out?  Will it
>be included in the system?  I need more info!
>					J.Norell Guttman
>					njg2@po.cwru.edu

*sigh*  getting a bit ahead of the game aren't we?  i wouldn't expect to even
hear any *concrete* rumors (if there is such a thing) of an A4000 for at least
a year.  as for the U. of Lowell, well it's just about ready to be released. 
8 bit color out of 24 bits.  only works under Unix's X Windows currently

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