[comp.sys.amiga.misc] Amiga sighting in movie: Betrayed

sutherla@qtp.ufl.edu (Scott Sutherland) (02/03/91)

	I was watching the movie 'Betrayed' (1988, Debra Winger,
Tom Berringer) on video last night and saw an Amiga 500.
T.B. plays a character who is thought to be involved with the
murder of a Jewish disc jockey (an outspoken one) and is a member
of a white supremacy movement and D.W. is an FBI (I think) agent
sent in to infiltrate the orgainization and get evidence on him.
Well, this WS group is nationwide and they communicate using 
computers.  There are several minutes of footage of TB and/or
DW in front of an A500 (you see him pullin down one CLI window to
reveal another, you see the standard mouse pointer, AND they even
let the Amiga talk (actual Amiga voice!!).  Not bad.

BTW, it is a pretty good movie as well, so I give it a THUMB's UP
(or is that a MOUSE UP?)!!

Scott Sutherland

kinnersley@kuhub.cc.ukans.edu (Bill Kinnersley) (02/23/91)

In article <1274@orange9.qtp.ufl.edu>, sutherla@qtp.ufl.edu 
  (Scott Sutherland) writes:
: 	I was watching the movie 'Betrayed' (1988, Debra Winger,
: AND they even let the Amiga talk (actual Amiga voice!!).  Not bad.
What bugs me: the movies that show a guy using a Macintosh,
and the Macintosh talks--and it's an Amiga voice!!

--Bill Kinnersley

broe@plains.NoDak.edu (Paul Broe) (02/24/91)

In article <28748.27c631f8@kuhub.cc.ukans.edu> kinnersley@kuhub.cc.ukans.edu (Bill Kinnersley) writes:
>What bugs me: the movies that show a guy using a Macintosh,
>and the Macintosh talks--and it's an Amiga voice!!
>--Bill Kinnersley

Macintalk sounds just like the Amiga's voice. 
