[comp.sys.amiga.misc] Going 1.3->2.0

jeremym@chopin.udel.edu (Jeremy A Moskowitz) (02/24/91)

Hello all.... Ok. OK.. I've finally decided to make the big jump
from 1.3 to 2.0 in the way of using Z-KICK and Kickstart Version 

I want to do the following... I know this is complex, and must take up tonz
of hard drive room.. but, I really really really want to do

I want my system to boot up 1.3 as soon as I boot turn it on in the morning.
While it's booting up, I want to hold down the mouse button (using
							     clixecute or
							     similar program)
to execute another startup-sequence to load kickstart 2.0.

It should then reboot in 5 seconds. Great.

When it reboots, however, I want it to find my HD definitions. 
...and have it run 2.0 perfectly...

I have four partitions (4, 15, 4, and AMAX). But, the point is,
I want my machine to be able to run 1.3 and 2.0 depending on if
I hold down the mouse button or not.

2.0 cant seem to find my HD partitions without crashing miserably.

I know *SOMEONE* out there has done this. Would someone please
tell me how to set up the mountlist entry so 1.3 and 2.0 can read it?
I heard it was different, but - this is the first I've
really played with 2.0, and am really finding it fun and interesting.

I have the following setup:
	5 Meg Amiga 2000 with 40 Meg Quantum HD with Trumpcard.

I just want to be able to run 2.0 and 1.3 using the same HD
partitions and stuff. Get it? Kinda? I know most people either
either have 2.0 *OR* 1.3 on their HD and use just one. I want 
both on their and I want to use both when I want to.. 
Please please please... reply with info on how to do this.
The startup sequences must be hurrendous to make from scratch,
and if someone has done this.. I'd really really really want
to know..

Dont forget.. I know almost nothing about 2.0. Thanks!

E Pluribus //  Contacts: jeremym@brahms.udel.edu or jeremym@chopin.udel.edu or
  Unix    //		  jeremy@freezer.it.udel.edu (line 1 = jeremym)  
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