[comp.sys.amiga.misc] A3000UX

dreuther@clark.edu (Dan Reuther) (02/21/91)

   I have a question about the A3000UX.  This runs UNIX right?  Can anyone 
tell me a little about this machine.  Is it a normal A3000 with UNIX, or does
it have some special features?  Does it still have amigaDOS or do you really
want it?  Also do most Amiga hardware expansions work with this setup, such
as the Bridgeboard.
                            Dan Reuther

higgin@cbmvax.commodore.com (Paul Higginbottom - CATS) (02/22/91)

In article <1991Feb20.225540.5705@clark.edu> dreuther@clark.edu (Dan Reuther) writes:
$   I have a question about the A3000UX.  This runs UNIX right?  Can anyone
$tell me a little about this machine.  Is it a normal A3000 with UNIX, or does
$it have some special features?  Does it still have amigaDOS or do you really
$want it?  Also do most Amiga hardware expansions work with this setup, such
$as the Bridgeboard.
$           Thanks
$                            Dan Reuther

Well Dan, off the top of my head...

We have two models, A3000UXB and A3000UXD.  They're the same except for
RAM and hard drive capacities.  Respectively, they have 5Mb RAM / 105Mb
HD and 9Mb RAM / 200Mb HD.

Both machines have:

	UNIX Sys. Vr4 (including Open Look)
	AmigaDOS partition
	Ethernet board (w/ NFS & TCP/IP under UNIX - works with
		AmigaDOS with optional AS225 software)
	All normal port flavors, including external SCSI which you'll
		probably use for our A3070 150Mb tape drive.
	What else do you need to know?

Answering your questions...

It is basically a normal A3000 with UNIX, yes.
It has an AmigaDOS partition and can boot into that.
Normal hardware compatibility applies, but special widgets may not be
accessible under UNIX, e.g., Bridgeboards, frame buffers, MIDI
interfaces, etc.

	Hope this helps.

rodmur@ecst.csuchico.edu (Dale A. Harris) (02/26/91)

In article <cm9VX1w161w@nstar.rn.com> tbissett@nstar.rn.com (Travis Bissett) writes:
>dreuther@clark.edu (Dan Reuther) writes:
>>    I have a question about the A3000UX.  This runs UNIX right?  Can anyone 
>> tell me a little about this machine.  Is it a normal A3000 with UNIX, or does
>> it have some special features?  Does it still have amigaDOS or do you really
>> want it?  Also do most Amiga hardware expansions work with this setup, such
>> as the Bridgeboard.
>>            Thanks    
>>                             Dan Reuther
>Try comp.sys.amiga.unix . . . which supposedly is where all your answers are 
>to be found, and more (I'm still having trouble getting it). So far, by 
>aggressive phone calls to CBM folks and some netmail, I've learned that the 
>A3000/ux is a COMPLETE (i.e. full) implementation of AT&T+Sun Unix system V 
>release 4.1 with ABI/MC68k (Applications Binary Interface). It includes 
>X-windows 11 and some Gnu stuff. I mean, the base machine is a 100 MB SCSI 
>drive and the base configuration comes with 60 to 70 MB of it hogged by 
>software. Of course there are tons of it oyu can strip off the disk if, for 
>example, you don't need NFS or X-11 or whatever. The implementation even 
>includes a nifty virtual screen facility so you can flip to any one of a 
>dozen new screens for a new login shell. AmigaDOS 2.1 comes on its own 
>partition which is separately bootable. But, you can't yet directly access 
>files across partitions, nor run AmigaOS under Unix. Likewise, Unix drivers 
>to support the Bridgeboards don't seem to be available yet, but are planned. 
>Bottom line: the present package is darned good (and cheap compared to the 
>competition) but all the best is yet to come.

I have seen a beta released of this machine, it was demo'ed here.  It had
9 MB of RAM, and a 200 MB hard drive, with about everything else you've seen
as software in Unix, along with a SCSI port which if for some reason you
wanted to add on a gigabyte, you could.  It survived a wild fork process
pretty well, but if you were in on a remote terminal you couldn't exit.
It basically seemed like a really nice machine, free of Mach (yea!).

(Yes, that is about all of meaningful stuff I could add)

Dale A. Harris          Chaotically Yours, 
rodmur@ecst.csuchico.edu  __     __   _    ,
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