(Kevin Regan) (02/26/91)
The following system is for sale: System: A500 1084RGB external drive 512K mem expansion + clock Software (I am big on games): space rogue golden axe reach for the stars auto duel A-10 tank killer double dragon battle squadron bard's tale I death bringer federation charon 5 shadow of the beast wayne gretsky hockey blood money obliterator star wars interplay battle chess kingdoms of england manhunter dragon's lair the three stooges heroes of the lance rocket ranger faery tale adventure better dead then alien ferrari formula one firepower war in middle earth deathsword terrorpods lords of the rising sun police quest space quest II king's quest II king's quest III world trophy soccer and . . . photon paint project d pheww!! Well, thats about it. I would like to sell everything together, but I could be persuaded to sell parts and software. If you are interested drop me a line. Kevin "ok, ok, so all I did was play games (but since I've taken my first progr amming course I've seen the light)" Regan Brown University Providence, RI (401) 863-6207 ST101883@BROWNVM (asking price . . . don't no, . . . make me an offer (preferably a good one))