[comp.sys.amiga.misc] Disney and prodraw

dale@b17b.INGR.COM (Dale Rogers) (02/21/91)

I have a number of questions for the users in amiga land.

I recently purchased the Disney Animation Studio.

1. Is there a digitizer tablet (with a pen stylis) that works well with the
Studio.  I'm new to the Amiga world.  I want to get a digitizer tablet for
freehand scketching.  I don't know how the digitizers interface with the
software programs.  Do they need special drivers?  If I hook up any tablet
to the amiga will the programs magically interface with no problem?

2. Is there any way to turn off that rediculous requstor that keeps popping
up everytime I want to go into Disney's Animation Studio Program?  It's 
very irritating to have to look up on page 1-2, paragraph 1, word 6 that 
such and such a movie was produced in 1935.  I like the program so far.  
God forbid I ever loose the users guide with the answers to all these 

I also purchased Professional Draw from Gold Disk.

I need to get some extra fonts.  What fonts are compatible with ProDraw and
where is a good inexpensive place to purchase them?  I've looked in Amiga
World but I'm not sure which of those fonts are compatible.  Gold Disk has
a package where the first set of 36 fonts are just $80.00.  Is that a good
deal or can I do better?

Thank you for any information you can shed on these question.  I have a new
2500/30 and so far I love it.


Dale R. Rogers _________________________________________________

cs326ag@ux1.cso.uiuc.edu (Loren J. Rittle) (02/22/91)

In article <708@b17b.INGR.COM> dale@b17b.INGR.COM (Dale Rogers) writes:
>I recently purchased the Disney Animation Studio.
>2. Is there any way to turn off that rediculous requstor that keeps popping
>up everytime I want to go into Disney's Animation Studio Program?  It's 
>very irritating to have to look up on page 1-2, paragraph 1, word 6 that 
>such and such a movie was produced in 1935.  I like the program so far.  
Yes, open TAS with a binary file editor (say CygnusEd Professional Release
2.12) and look for the questions.  Null out all the answer and save
ON A BACKUP!!!!  When you startup TAS the next time, just hit return
to answer the question.
The only thing I hate more than a game that won't load o the Hard Drive
is a piece of productivity software that asks stupid questions...
>God forbid I ever loose the users guide with the answers to all these 
Well, I doubt that would happen... :-)

Loren J. Rittle
``NewTek stated that the Toaster *would not* be made to directly support the
  Mac, at this point Sculley stormed out of the booth...'' -A scene at the
  recent MacExpo.  Gee, you wouldn't think that an Apple Exec would be so
  worried about one little Amiga Device... Loren J. Rittle  l-rittle@uiuc.edu

mark@calvin..westford.ccur.com (Mark Thompson) (02/23/91)

In article <708@b17b.INGR.COM> dale@b17b.INGR.COM (Dale Rogers) writes:
>I recently purchased the Disney Animation Studio.
>2. Is there any way to turn off that rediculous requstor that keeps popping
>up everytime I want to go into Disney's Animation Studio Program?  It's 
>very irritating to have to look up on page 1-2, paragraph 1, word 6 that 
>such and such a movie was produced in 1935.  I like the program so far.  
>God forbid I ever loose the users guide with the answers to all these 

Fortunately you can ignore the manual specific questions and answer
the ones that question you an how to use the program (like what hotkey
does what). After using it awhile, you will find you don't need the manual
anymore to get by through the requestor. I wish all table lookup protected
programs worked like this.
%       `       '                Mark Thompson                          %
%  --==* RADIANT *==--           mark@westford.ccur.com                 %
%       ' Image `                ...!{decvax,uunet}!masscomp!mark       %
%      Productions               (508)392-2480  (603)424-1829           %
%                                                                       %

m0154@tnc.UUCP (GUY GARNETT) (02/27/91)

RE: Stylus/Pen digitizers for the Amiga

I once had a review copy of the Anakin Easyl attached to my A1000. 
Although I am no artist, I had two artist friends use it.  One, who
was trained as a painter, disliked the thing; she now has an amiga,
and has learned to use the mouse for all of her computer artwork.  The
other, who did most of his artwork with pencil or charcoal, liked it,
although he complained that it required a different "touch" from
drawing with pencil on paper.  He did like the fact that it had
registration pegs and you could use a regular pencil instead of a
stylus.  He decided that computers were not for him, and is still
working with traditional media.

Recommendation: Working with the computer means you will have to learn
to use new techniques, whether you use the mouse or a tablet. 

If you are used to a tablet, or can't deal with the mouse, check out
the Anakin product.  If you can, learn the mouse; because it is more
flexable than the tablet, your time investment will payoff later.

The easyl tablet plugged into the expansion port of my 1000; there is
a card-based version for the 2000 (and I presume it will work in a
3000 as well).  A driver had to be loaded, and then the tablet would
work to move the mouse cursor; wherever you put the stylus (or pencil)
was where the cursor would go.
