[comp.sys.amiga.misc] Word Processors, Which One?

detert@logdis1.hq.aflc.af.mil (CMSgt David K. Detert;AFSPACECOM/LKL) (02/27/91)

Ok, here's the problem:

My daughter, a junior in college, will need to do some term
papers over the next few semesters.  They need to be fairly
complete with headers, footers, bibliographies, etc.

So, I'm in the market for a decent word processor.  I have an
A1000 with 2 floppies and 1.5 meg RAM for her to use exclusively.
I also have an A3000-16/50 that I use.  I would like whatever I
get to work on both, but it needs to cooperate nicely with 2
floppies as that will be the primary machine.  I know Word
Perfect is well thought of by some, but I don't know how nicely
it will work with this setup.  I know there are many more out
there, but it is difficult to keep up with changes, etc.  I guess
I'd like something with a dictionary for spell checking as she
has gotten used to that with an old version of Scribble! a friend
gave me when he sold his machine.  It has it's problems and I
really don't want to spend the money on upgrading it.  MSS is not
my favorite company and their programs usually are behind the
competition.  I also use Online! Platinum, but this is the year I
spend some of my tax return on ATalkIII.

Anyway, I know there are bound to be opinions all over the place,
so please no religious arguments.  I need to know fast what folks
think and especially what people's experiences are that are not
found in various reviews/comparisons.  I will reread Amazing,
AmigaWhirld, etc., articles this weekend, but I'd like some more
objective opinions.

Finally, I plan to order whatever from SafeHarbor unless someone
suggests a better place.  Please forward replies via email.

Cheers, And Thanks,

CMSgt David K Detert, USAF     MILNet:  detert@wpdis01.af.mil