[comp.sys.amiga.misc] Novell NetWare for Amiga ?

bheil@umaxc.weeg.uiowa.edu (Brian Heil) (02/22/91)

I just saw an announcement for NetWare for Macintosh V3.0, I also remember
hearing about NetWare client software for the Amiga.  Any facts or rumors
about such a thing out there?  I think I even saw some pictures of screenshots
from some of the software (in AmigaWorld?)  Might just be hype but as I'm 
surrounded by Macs and IBMs running on a Novell network I'd like to be able 
show the same network can be used by Amigas.  

How about amiga netorks served by an amiga?  I've seen several adds for amiga
specific stuff... Any comments on the appropriateness of the amiga as a file 
server?  I know... who'd want to waste a cool machine on a file server, but
I'm thinking of the multi-tasking abilities.
Brian Heil                           )              University of Iowa
bheil@scout-po.biz.uiowa.edu         (      College of Business Administration
bheil@umaxc.weeg.uiowa.edu           )        Computing Services Organization
                      AMIGA   There is no substitute!

cleland@sdbio2.ucsd.edu (Thomas Cleland) (02/26/91)

In article <4560@ns-mx.uiowa.edu> bheil@umaxc.weeg.uiowa.edu (Brian Heil) writes:
>I just saw an announcement for NetWare for Macintosh V3.0, I also remember
>hearing about NetWare client software for the Amiga.  Any facts or rumors
>about such a thing out there?  I think I even saw some pictures of screenshots
>from some of the software (in AmigaWorld?)  Might just be hype but as I'm 
>surrounded by Macs and IBMs running on a Novell network I'd like to be able 
>show the same network can be used by Amigas.  
The Novell software and Arcnet hardware used by Novell are
genuine Commodore products.  Both are, however, still have
real-soon-now status.  I'm not sure if any third-party companies
do Amiga Arcnet/Novell.  

In case anybody cares, Ethernet is available for the Amiga from
multiple vendors, including Commodore.
>Brian Heil                           )              University of Iowa

kskelm@happy.colorado.edu (02/28/91)

In article <4560@ns-mx.uiowa.edu>, bheil@umaxc.weeg.uiowa.edu (Brian Heil) writes:
> I just saw an announcement for NetWare for Macintosh V3.0, I also remember
> hearing about NetWare client software for the Amiga.  Any facts or rumors
> about such a thing out there?  I think I even saw some pictures of screenshots

  FACT:  Yes.  Novell NetWare is nearing (?) completion as you read this.