[comp.sys.amiga.misc] AmigaWorld buys out AmigaPLUS magazine

ddyer@hubcap.clemson.edu (Doug Dyer) (02/28/91)

I subscribed to amigaPLUS around December, and never got an issue.  Today,
I get this letter that states: You will be receiving AmigaWorld, beginning
with the April issue, for the remainder of your AMIGA Plus subscription.

Well, looks like I get Amigaworld.  But wait! thats not all!

	To celebrate the merger of AMIGAplus, I am
	enclosing a special discount coupon good towards
	your purchase from the AMIGAWORLD product catalog.

That coupon was $10, and there were some books and videos for around
$15-$30.  So hey, not that bad a deal (I like Amigaworld more anyway).

Any ties to Amigaworld Tech Journal?

"P.S. If you currently receive AmigaWorld, your subscription
will be extended automatically."
2B|!(2B) => ?               Can a perfect being create an object                
ddyer@hubcap.clemson.edu        Heavier than it can lift?