[comp.sys.amiga.misc] MG3beta4 problem...

davidm@uunet.UU.NET (David S. Masterson) (03/01/91)

For some reason, I think I asked this before, but I don't remember for sure.
If so, please forgive a slip of the memory.  After all, its the second thing
to go.

Has anyone tried to compile the MG3beta4 distribution on the Fred Fish disks
(#335?) with the Aztec C 5.0 compiler?  I've been trying to make it and gotten
no unexpected errors in the compilation and link, but the resulting executable
has a problem.  The problem is that no matter what I type, MG3 sees the
characters as "^@" (all I see is "Mark set" which, I believe, is assigned to
"^@").  Anyone with ideas?
David Masterson					Consilium, Inc.
(415) 691-6311					640 Clyde Ct.
uunet!cimshop!davidm				Mtn. View, CA  94043
"If someone thinks they know what I said, then I didn't say it!"