[comp.sys.amiga.misc] Call for _your_ vote: ARexx port for DisKey!!!

S_BAETZLER@iravcl.ira.uka.de (Thomas Baetzler) (03/02/91)


  propably all of you know DisKey, or even DisKey professional - an 
exceptionally good disk monitor with all the features you want: Usable on any
block oriented device, devices for accessing ram and files, disassembler... 
  And yet DisKey could be improved by an Arexx Port. The author, Angela Schmidt,
questions the usefullness of such an installation.

  It is up to us - the users - to make her understand the need for com- 
patibility to Arexx. Attached below is a short form that demands her to put 
an Arexx port into the upcoming versions of DisKey. Please complete the form 
attached below and mail it to


Further the idea by giving this post to all your friends and other Amiga users
you might know.

Thank you!

PS: Manual translatinon will be finished for Fish #500. I promise!


To: Angela Schmidt
    DisKey development

 Dear Angela,

 I greatly appreciate your efforts with DisKey to create an easy-to-use yet
powerful disk and file editing package. But your product is lacking a main
quality by not being ARexx compatible, since ARexx is part of the 2.0 release
of the OS. Please consider this when you plan the next upgrade to DisKey

 Yours sincerly, 

 <Your name goes here>


Thomas B\"atzler || S_Baetzler@IRAVCL.IRA.UKA.DE|| Get DisKey! 
Herrenstrasse 62 || 2:241/7501.5@Fidonet        || -Smart Shareware Diskmonitor
D-7500 Karlsruhe || UKBF@DKAUNI2.bitnet         || -Integrated Disassembler
+49 (0)721 29872 || (In order of preference)    || -Lots of gimmicks & Stuff
CALL FOR VOTES: Should DisKey have an ARexx-Port? Send YOUR BALLOT NOW to:
S_ASchmidt@IRAVCL.IRA.UKA.DE (Angela Schmidt) -- She'll appreciate your opinion!

GKZ117@uriacc.uri.edu (F. Michael Theilig) (03/02/91)

On 1 Mar 91 17:02:04 GMT Thomas Baetzler said:
>  propably all of you know DisKey, or even DisKey professional - an
>exceptionally good disk monitor with all the features you want: Usable on any
>block oriented device, devices for accessing ram and files, disassembler...
     Is this product related to DisKey for the C64?  I assume it is
 commercial.  What is the running price?

     F. Michael Theilig  -  The University of Rhode Island at Little Rest
                            GKZ117 at URIACC.Bitnet
                            GKZ117 at URIACC.URI.edu

                                               Though you'd like to know.