[comp.sys.amiga.misc] Does anyone have Steve Tibbet's e-mail address?

erd@giza.cis.ohio-state.edu (Ethan R Dicks) (02/28/91)

I was trying to contact Steve Tibbet to see if he had a copy of the
Butonic Virus (which was recently handed to me by a local Amiga user),
but was unable to find e-mail information in the documentation of

I saw no references to the Butonic virus in the VirusX-4.00 docs.  I did
decrypt the full text contained in the virus; it is a couple of hundred
longwords worth of ASCII text all XORed with $AAAAAAAA to hide its true
content.  A few months ago, four of the messages were posted to comp.sys.amiga
which appeared in the title bar of the active window.  There are also several
more messages which were not mentioned.  I do not have the complete list here,
but at least one of the messages mentioned the Atari-ST.  I will try and post
the complete text to comp.sys.amiga.misc, so that others may see what
messages appear if the Butonic Virus is running.  BTW, the virus calls
itself "Jeff," written by the "genius Butonic."

Good luck, all, and happy hunting,


Ethan R. Dicks       | ######  This signifies that the poster is a member in
Software Results Corp|   ##    good sitting of Inertia House: Bodies at rest.
940 Freeway Drive N. |   ##
Columbus OH    43229 | ######  "You get it, you're closer."

nguyent@balboa.eng.uci.edu (Thien Nguyen) (03/02/91)

In article <88998@tut.cis.ohio-state.edu> erd@giza.cis.ohio-state.edu (Ethan R Dicks) writes:
>I was trying to contact Steve Tibbet to see if he had a copy of the
>Butonic Virus (which was recently handed to me by a local Amiga user),
>but was unable to find e-mail information in the documentation of
>I saw no references to the Butonic virus in the VirusX-4.00 docs.  I did
>decrypt the full text contained in the virus; it is a couple of hundred
>longwords worth of ASCII text all XORed with $AAAAAAAA to hide its true
>content.  A few months ago, four of the messages were posted to comp.sys.amiga
>which appeared in the title bar of the active window.  There are also several
>more messages which were not mentioned.  I do not have the complete list here,
>but at least one of the messages mentioned the Atari-ST.  I will try and post
>the complete text to comp.sys.amiga.misc, so that others may see what
>messages appear if the Butonic Virus is running.  BTW, the virus calls
>itself "Jeff," written by the "genius Butonic."
>Good luck, all, and happy hunting,
>Ethan R. Dicks       | ######  This signifies that the poster is a member in
>Software Results Corp|   ##    good sitting of Inertia House: Bodies at rest.
>940 Freeway Drive N. |   ##
>Columbus OH    43229 | ######  "You get it, you're closer."

I think I have that virus.  My harddrive from the sidecar is messed up because of that virus.  Does anybody know how to kill it.  

Also does anybody have problems using the second drive.  I have been getting
Read/Write errors during downloads and while using Scribble!.  I can't do
anything except warm reboot to get the computer functioning again since the 
CANCEL or RETRY requesters keeps on coming.  I only get read/write errors
sometimes, but I get it often enough.