[comp.sys.amiga.misc] Kids math program needed

3423YKN@CMUVM.BITNET (03/01/91)

I am looking for a kids math program (ages 7-12). I would appreciate hearing
of any, PD prefered but commercial fine.

Please reply email. I will summarize given enough response.

Dan Bracken 3423ykn@cmuvm.bitnet

bstrum@amiglynx.UUCP (Brad Strum) (03/03/91)

To Dan Bracken,
        If you need a math program for kids 7-12, it is possable for us (my
software producing co.) to produce one. At present we do not have any such
wares, although we are begining to get into the relm of children's software.
If interested, please make an offer, public or privet, and we'll see what we
can do.

        Such and item could be considered by us as PD.

I hope we can do business,
Brad Strum
Mail: bstrum@amigalynx.nj.us
                             bstrum/Micronesia  Music sysop--Halls of Time