[comp.sys.amiga.misc] arp.library 99 or higher...

set@phobos.cis.ksu.edu (Steve E Tietze ) (03/04/91)

I just downloaded zoom compression program.  I need to know where I can find
the arp.library v99 or higher to run zoom ...
Any help please Email 


steve t.

jon@brahms.udel.edu (Jon Deutsch) (03/04/91)

In article <1991Mar4.030719.3573@maverick.ksu.ksu.edu> set@phobos.cis.ksu.edu (Steve E Tietze ) writes:
>I just downloaded zoom compression program.  I need to know where I can find
>the arp.library v99 or higher to run zoom ...
>Any help please Email 
>steve t.


	I think you mean version 39.  It's on xanth (ab20.larc.nasa.gov) 
	in /incoming.  

       |  |   |\       |>jon@brahms.udel.edu<|  "For my 2 cents,  |
       | \|on |/eutsch |>>-----------------<<|  I'd pay a dollar" |