[comp.sys.amiga.misc] DEMOS ON AB20.LARC.NASA>GOV

dcr3567@isc.rit.edu (D.C. Richardson ) (03/01/91)

  Just a quick note:

I pulled the following demos off of GEnie, and since I saw no
restrictions on there, reposted them to ab20 in the incoming/amiga/DEMOS


The first is a Psygnosis game which I bought 24 hours after playing the
demo.  The second is a VERY professional 2D/3D CADD package.  (I like it
a LOT better than CadKEY for 2D, but it's too slow under 68000 to even
think about 3D)


Daniel C. Richardson
Rochester Institute Of Technology     /    Mechanical Engineering Dept.
"Immaturity Is The Essence Of Humanity.  Children Shall Be Our Saviors"
-Red's Dream

C503719@UMCVMB.MISSOURI.EDU (Baird McIntosh) (03/02/91)

In Message-ID: <1991Feb28.221251.22258@isc.rit.edu>
          dcr3567@isc.rit.edu (D.C. Richardson ) said:
>  Just a quick note:
>I pulled the following demos off of GEnie, and since I saw no
>restrictions on there, reposted them to ab20 in the incoming/amiga/DEMOS
>    lemmings.dms

Please describe this demo... there is already a Lemmings demo is the
incoming/amiga/DEMOS/gamedemos sub-directory.  It is LemmingsDemo.zom, and
it was 'cracked' by Skid Row.  So, is the demo you uploaded another cracked
version, or what?

| Baird McIntosh | c503719@umcvmb.missouri.edu <-or-> c503719@umcvmb.bitnet |
|    "K I L L   T H E   R A T !"  -- seen on a sign at a pro-Gulf_War rally |
|                                                                           |

farren@sat.com (Michael J. Farren) (03/05/91)

>          dcr3567@isc.rit.edu (D.C. Richardson ) said:
>>I pulled the following demos off of GEnie,  [lemmings.dms]
>Please describe this demo.

lemmings.dms is the five-level demo starting with "This should be a ..."
and ending with "If at first you don't ...".  I suspect it's the same
as lemmings.zom, as it is also "cracked" by Skid Row.
| Michael J. Farren                                      farren@sat.com |
|                        He's moody, but he's cute.                     |