[comp.sys.amiga.misc] Commodore won't talk to my local dealer about Ed Discounts..

IO91461@MAINE.BITNET (Tom Nezwek) (03/01/91)

   I'm trying to purchase an A2630 under the Ed Discount. Well I called the
local dealer to have one ordered up.  5 days later I called back to inquire
as to its status.. The delaer said that Commodore won't send him a a2630 or
even give him a price until the educational department gets straitened out..
   My dealer said that COMMODORE itself said that the ed list posted just
last week is invalid. And that a new list will be made in 2 weeks or so
once things are settled.  Until then I just have to wait.. Or buy a a2630 at
full price..  C'mon Commodore, get things starighten out! I can't wait to
give you my money! (and get my a2630).
                         -Waiting for Commodore
                               -Tom Nezwek

ruslan@uncecs.edu (Robin C. LaPasha) (03/05/91)

I just talked to a guy in CBM (no names or departments, please.)  I have
some "official but anonymous" answers to some recent questions that are
approaching FAQ status.

Question #1:
	Why the heck hasn't somebody official at Commodore been posting
the new price lists?

Answer #1:
	Commodore is not only on Usenet, a more or less non-commercial net,
but they're also EDUCOM "corporate associates" (CAPs?.. something like
that.)  EDUCOM has mucho-strict non-commercial rules.  It has been recently
decided to keep to the hard line of NOT having official CBM folks posting
commercial info to the net.  Price lists are commercial info.  So no go.
That's the deal.

Question #2:
	Are the prices changed yet?  To what?  How?  Why?

Answer #2:
	a)  They've changed as of MARCH 1st (yes, really, March.)
	b)  They're higher prices.  There was a specific reason for this:
the dealers were losing money on the program.  Some had gone bankrupt,
many were rebelling (and some were treating ed. customers as if... they
were losing money on them.)  The educational dealerships really were
unprofitable.  In order to keep the ed. program you gotta keep the dealers.
So it's a little more bucks, giving the dealers a margin to keep them (in
business and) happy about the ed. customers.  At the new prices, all ed.
sales are profitable.

Question #3:
	Well, where the heck are we gonna get these prices?

Answer #3:
	Assuming that you can't get this info at your dealer's (insert story
here - you have difficult or long-distance dealer relations, etc. etc. ...)
you can get the prices at least two ways:
	1) Wait for someone outside Commodore to get a copy of the prices,
type them in, and post them.  Don't expect this 'til at least Thursday
(i.e. 3/7/91 or so, depending on the US mail and typing speed...)
	2) Call one of these regional numbers and request that the prices
be sent to you:
	Eastern Regional Sales (Reston VA)   -   703-709-0200
	Central   "       " (Schaumburg IL)  -   708-619-5959
	Western   "       " (Long Beach CA)  -   213-498-9455

You can also have your dealer call these numbers if they are unsure of 
the ed. prices and whatnot.

Question #4:
	What else is there about the Ed. program now that's different?

Answer #4:
	Mostly good news. ;^)  As Ethan explained previously:
	a)  Qrders are filled from dealer stock; you pay your dealer
and you pay sales tax, then you take it home (assuming it's in stock.)
	b)  New, simplified order forms (yay!); verification is a
photocopy of ... your student ID, or anything else that reasonably shows
you're currently enrolled.  (No more blood pacts!  No more crawling to the
dean's office!  Yay! ;^))
	c)  You get the new Honeywell-Bull within-24-hours service
(already described thoroughly) like everybody else in warranty.
	d)  Peripheral-only purchases are okay; you can buy "1 unit of
each product per year" under the program.  Yes, that really means that
"product" _could_ be "model"... and not "cpu." (I asked.)  Just ONE of
anything/everything on the list, per year (i.e. if I got a 1950 monitor
this month, I couldn't get another 1950 on the program 'til next year.
But I could get the 2024 Hedley next month...hey, like, I can DREAM!!! ;^))

So for the higher prices - you get it NOW, you get a wider choice of
what you can buy when, and the paperwork's easier.

Disclaimers:  This is direct info, though mostly not quotes (oh c'mon,
you know they don't talk like this! ;^))  I don't work for them, they
don't pay me, all that.  So relax, chill out, enjoy.
Robin LaPasha              |Keeper of the Amiga
ruslan@ecsvax.uncecs.edu   |Hypermedia Mailing List