[comp.sys.amiga.misc] CBM wants info from Amiga User Groups

ruslan@uncecs.edu (Robin C. LaPasha) (03/05/91)

I've been requested to put out a message concerning Amiga USER GROUPS.

Basically, CBM is considering having more Amiga user group "promotions"
(which in this case indicates various possible combinations of discounts
and money-making opportunities. ;^))

But before they get to that point, they've got to revamp and update
their USER GROUP LIST.  So -

IF - your user group is NOT listed in the (Fall/Winter 90-91,
guessing that that's still the most recent) AC Product Guide,

OR - if the information contained there has since changed,

THEN - send new/updated user group information to:

Note that even if you have sent Amiga user group info to Commodore in
the past, go ahead and do it again.  Use the AC Guide format; UG Name
(full, then acronym if used), Meeting Place, When (what day of week and
week of month, what time,) "Interests" (for groups that either combine C64
and Amiga users, or are unusually specialized in their Amiga pursuits,)
Contacts (with names and phone numbers), and Mailing Address.

They may also be interested in UG newsletters too; if you have one
you may want to add mention of it.

Disclaimers: Not working for them, not getting bucks for this, etc..
Just passing it along.

Robin LaPasha              |Keeper of the Amiga
ruslan@ecsvax.uncecs.edu   |Hypermedia Mailing List