[comp.sys.amiga.misc] MSM

peck@ral.rpi.edu (Joseph Peck) (03/05/91)

(Excuse the crossposting, but I wasn't sure what this fell under....)

I am trying to locate an MSM hardrive controller for the Amiga.
No, I do not mean MFM.  I believe that MSM stands for Mass Storage 
Module, and these kinds of drives are used in some minicomputers.
Anyhow, I have access to an 80meg removable MSM drive, with the 
possibility of getting my hands on some larger (~600meg) fixed drives.

Does anyone know of an MSM controller?  I currently have an A1000 and
should be getting an A3000 in the near future.  Hopefully I will get
lucky with one of them.....

Thanks for your help,
Joe Peck