[comp.sys.amiga.misc] Todd Lundgren

billr@truevision.com (Bill Romanowski) (03/05/91)

Is Todd that made the "change myself" video the same guy 
that played the soviet boxer in one of the rocky movies?
Wow! What a multi-talented performer. ;-)
(or was that Nils Lofgren?)


Raman_Anand@mindlink.UUCP (Raman Anand) (03/05/91)

> billr@truevision.com writes:
> Msg-ID: <1991Mar04.185351.26298@truevision.com>
> Posted: 4 Mar 91 18:53:51 GMT
> Org.  : Truevision Inc., Indianapolis, IN
> Person: Bill Romanowski
> Is Todd that made the "change myself" video the same guy
> that played the soviet boxer in one of the rocky movies?
> Wow! What a multi-talented performer. ;-)
> (or was that Nils Lofgren?)
> billr

Dolf Lundgren was in Rocky IV.


ckp@grebyn.com (Checkpoint Technologies) (03/05/91)

In article <1991Mar04.185351.26298@truevision.com> billr@truevision.com (Bill Romanowski) writes:
>Is Todd that made the "change myself" video the same guy 
>that played the soviet boxer in one of the rocky movies?

Nope. Dolph Lundgren.  Also starred in Masters of the Universe, Red Scorpion.

>(or was that Nils Lofgren?)

Strike two. :-)
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