[comp.sys.amiga.misc] Piracy rears its ugly head <Was Re: Bodega Bay Info Inside!>

sss10@cunixb.cc.columbia.edu (Samuel S Sostre) (03/05/91)

Not too sure where to follow this up to... any suggestions?

In article <96.27CDEFE9@weyr.FIDONET.ORG> David.Plummer@f70.n140.z1.FIDONET.ORG (David Plummer) writes:

>Not to say that IBM users (non professionals, mostly) are much the same 
>way, but its still a lot more common, IMHO, for MS-DOS users to slap 
>down three hundred and fifty bucks for a good word pro.  Why are there 

Not to mention its easy to slap $350 down for a program when its not your $350
but "the offices" $350. How many people actually purchased Word Perfect for 
their home PC instead of "Borrowing"/Copying the office's copy of said program?

>no good word-pros (I mean REALLY good, not usable) for the Amiga?  
>Because noone would pay for it, so noone produces it.  
>I'd kill for Word for Windows and Excel in Amiga versions, but if they 
>were ever produced, the only people who would benefit would likely be 
>blank disk manufacturers and photocopy machine owners.  (I own ProWrite 
>and SuperBase as well as both the above...)
>I'm not trying to start the "unstoppable thread".  I am, after all, an 
>Amiga owner and enthusiast.  It's just that I don't think our machine 
>will really ever get the support it needs until that support starts with 
>the users.  And that support doesn't come from letter writing or flag 
>waving, it comes from speaking with your dollars, since that's what 
>software companies want, need, and look for.

Its a full circle. I would pay for a great WP but not one that costs $350. Add
to this the fact that there is no great WP and how then can we speak with our
money? By supporting cheesy WP's? Piracy is somewhat of a lame excuse IMO
since Piracy shouldve killed the C64 in 1985 and it was still alive until last 
year. <now its in critical condition>. Software companies justify high prices
with the Piracy argument so Pirates justify piracy with the high prices
argument. Anyone who lives or works in NYC and has to deal with using the
subways knows all about this. MTA raises prices because they are losing 
ridership but they lose more ridership because people dont wanna pay $1.15 to 
ride the subways so to compensate, MTA raises prices to $1.25....

havent people ever heard of "Sales"??????
>Somebody please redirect this in your followup... we can't edit the 
>followup line here.  Thanks.
>David Plummer - via FidoNet node 1:140/22
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