[comp.sys.amiga.misc] A-1000 Amiga System For Sale

reynolds@felix.UUCP (David Lee Reynolds) (03/06/91)

	I am running this add for a friend who does not have access to the net
currently.  Please refer any questions to his phone# below...

			Amiga A-1000 System For Sale :  

Features :

A1000 CPU, keyboard, Mouse, and manuals,

A1000 RGB Monitor,

2 Meg Ram (1.5 meg spirit memory board, w/realtime clock),

'1' external 3.5" Amiga Floppy drive,

* Dual external 3.5" & 5.25" Floppy box w/ '2' 3.5" drives.  
(Supports IBM EMULATION, can be switched between 3.5 and 5.25.  5.25" 48 TPI
drives not included).


	Asking $800.00 obo for the complete system.
	Will send UPS ground COD, and will pay shipping costs.

	If interested please call, (714) 365-0742.  (So. Calif.)

	Ask for Royal...

(*  Questions regarding the dual drive can be addressed to me, since I
designed the interface, built and tested this box.)