[comp.sys.amiga.misc] Piracy rears its ugly head <Was Re: Bodega Bay Info Inside!

tope@enea.se (Tommy Petersson) (03/06/91)

In article <1991Mar5.062120.12220@cunixf.cc.columbia.edu- sss10@cunixb.cc.columbia.edu (Samuel S Sostre) writes:
-Not too sure where to follow this up to... any suggestions?
-In article <96.27CDEFE9@weyr.FIDONET.ORG> David.Plummer@f70.n140.z1.FIDONET.ORG (David Plummer) writes:
->Not to say that IBM users (non professionals, mostly) are much the same 
->way, but its still a lot more common, IMHO, for MS-DOS users to slap 
->down three hundred and fifty bucks for a good word pro.  Why are there 
-Not to mention its easy to slap $350 down for a program when its not your $350
-but "the offices" $350. How many people actually purchased Word Perfect for 
-their home PC instead of "Borrowing"/Copying the office's copy of said program?
It's funny to notice that here in Sweden, where everything by default is
forbidden, copying a program in the office and use it at home for non-
professional work is stated as perfectly legal!

Tommy Petersson