[comp.sys.amiga.misc] Customer support

kutem@rtsg.mot.com (Jon Kutemeier) (03/05/91)

In article <1991Mar2.204651.22213@tc.fluke.COM> mark@tc.fluke.COM (Mark D. Nagel) writes:

   Some time ago I posted some mentioning my difficulties in obtaining
   a (resonably) new version of 2.0 for my A3000 and also the problem 
   of obtaining AmigaVision.

   I received some mail back from Jeff Schweiger (user at large) who
   suggested that I contact Dave Minnich of Commodore's Customer Relations
   division. Although I sent Dave mail, I didn't hear anything back.

   It is looking more and more like I won't see any upgrade of 2.0 until
   it hits ROM: Perhaps offering someone money (will the ROM cost me?) will
   get some sort of support/service?

   Could someone from CBM explain how I should go about getting a copy of
   AmigaVision? My dealer went from "Give us a copy of your receipt and
   we'll get you a coupon", to "We can't get you a copy. You will have to
   contact Commodore [and was provided with some number which patches me
   into a recording of a busy phone]".

   [stuff deleted]

   No flames please! Parting with $3000+ is enough to endure. I would just
   like to get what I paid for.

		   Is it IBM compatiable? NO - ARE YOU?
       Domain: mark@tc.fluke.COM (Mark Nagel) Voice: +1 206 356 5098
	 UUCP: microsoft!fluke!mark or sun!fluke!mark
	Snail: John Fluke Mfg. Co. / P.O. Box C9090 / Everett WA  98206

I too have yet to receive my copy of AmigaVision for my A3000
that I bought back in June, 1990. I've called customer support
multiple times, sent three or four email messages and received
replies saying that things are being looked into, and have never
heard a thing since. Commodore seems to be really hyping up their 
support, but if this is any indication of it, I think they have a
LONG way to go.

Jon Kutemeier_________________________________________________________________
----------------Software Engineer               /XX\/XX\  phone:(708) 632-5433
Motorola Inc.   Radio Telephone Systems Group  ///\XX/\\\ fax:  (708) 632-4430
1501 W. Shure Drive, Arlington Heights, IL 60004    uucp: !uunet!motcid!kutemj

leeg@mcrware.UUCP (Lee Glenn) (03/07/91)

In article <4781@berry12.UUCP >  kutem@rtsg.mot.com (Jon Kutemeier) writes:
 > I too have yet to receive my copy of AmigaVision for my A3000
 > that I bought back in June, 1990. I've called customer support
 > multiple times, sent three or four email messages and received
 > replies saying that things are being looked into, and have never
 > heard a thing since. Commodore seems to be really hyping up their 
 > support, but if this is any indication of it, I think they have a
 > LONG way to go.
 > --
 > Jon Kutemeier_________________________________________________________________
 > ----------------Software Engineer               /XX\/XX\  phone:(708) 632-5433
 > Motorola Inc.   Radio Telephone Systems Group  ///\XX/\\\ fax:  (708) 632-4430
 > 1501 W. Shure Drive, Arlington Heights, IL 60004    uucp: !uunet!motcid!kutemj

ME TOO!!!!  Come on, Commodore, what's the hold up?

Lee Glenn, Graphics Software Engineer
Microware Systems
1900 NW 114th St.
Des Moines, IA  50325
(515) 224-1929