[comp.sys.amiga.misc] TeX: its purpose? Other applications?

dcoteles@bonnie.ics.uci.edu (David Domenick Cotelessa) (03/07/91)

What does TEX do? Someone replied to me that it converts Postscript
to dot matrix/inkjet graphics, but as I searched through ftp sites for
stuff, TeX seems to do more than just that!!!!

Can someone please inform me of all the functions and applications of TeX,
as well as how to use with other programs/applications (like word processors,

As long as I'm askin', what is LaTeX and other program that specifically use

This may be a large order, but I appreciate the help.

***************************___*******/ ***********************************
David Cotelessa      |   ,'   \ __  / Member of the glorious pirate ship.*
 AKA "March Itsuka"  |  (      X  \/   __                     _          *
 AKA "RADBOY GO-o-o!"|   `.   (   /)  T  \  T    /TT\    T  ,'  T\       *
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                     | /      X       I__/  I/    II    \I  `._ I    \   *
                     |(      /_)_________________________________________*
                     | \      /Address::    (dcoteles@bonnie.ics.uci.edu)*
                     |  `.__,' If Fails try:: (eaou020@orion.oac.uci.edu)*

amgreene@athena.mit.edu (Andrew Marc Greene) (03/07/91)

In article <27D554A7.10243@ics.uci.edu>, dcoteles@bonnie.ics.uci.edu (David Domenick Cotelessa) writes:
|> What does TEX do? Someone replied to me that it converts Postscript
|> to dot matrix/inkjet graphics, but as I searched through ftp sites for
|> stuff, TeX seems to do more than just that!!!!

TeX has nothing to do with PostScript (except that you can print its output
on PS printers....)

|> Can someone please inform me of all the functions and applications of TeX,
|> as well as how to use with other programs/applications (like word processors,
|> publishing,.....)

The applications are too numerous to mention here.  (Did you know that
parts of TV Guide are typeset using TeX?)  Basically, TeX is a very
powerful typesetting language that was tuned for technical and mathematical
documents of any length.  It requires a seperate editor (such as Emacs)
to create/edit the files.  AmigaTeX (an outstanding implementation!) can
import IFF graphics.  Your output can be printed on virtually any output
device, from a 9-pin printer to a 2400dpi phototypesetter.  Additionally,
your file will be readable by users of ANY computer (I*M PC, M*c, VAX, RT,
Sun, Cray, etc.) because TeX is such a widespread standard.

|> As long as I'm askin', what is LaTeX and other program that specifically use
|> TeX?

LaTeX is a macro package that fits on top of TeX and gives you the ability
to do structural markup (such as "chapter", "section", etc.)  It comes 
standard with all TeX setups.

|> This may be a large order, but I appreciate the help.

If you have any more questions, you can send them to me email.  (I'm a
member of the TeX User's Group, and I'm also employed by MIT's Project
Athena to do TeX and LaTeX support for the Project).

- Andrew Greene