[comp.sys.amiga.misc] xxx.DMS ????

wdao@girtab.usc.edu (Walter Dao) (02/14/91)

Can somebody tell me how to extract the files with a  .DMS at the end ? 
I have never encountered such archives before. 
please , any help is welcome . I now have 2 files with .dms at the end
sitting in my harddisk doing nothing ...


tadguy@abcfd01.larc.nasa.gov (Tad Guy) (02/14/91)

In article <14930@chaph.usc.edu> wdao@girtab.usc.edu (Walter Dao) writes:
> Can somebody tell me how to extract the files with a  .DMS at the end ? 

Unpack .DMS files with Disk Masher, available via anonymous ftp from
ab20.larc.nasa.gov in /amiga/archivers:

Mon  04-Feb-91  15:45:46      586  amiga/archivers/dms-1.02.readme
Mon  04-Feb-91  15:45:31    34432  amiga/archivers/dms-1.02.lzh


dtiberio@csserv2.ic.sunysb.edu (David Tiberio) (02/15/91)

In article <14930@chaph.usc.edu> wdao@girtab.usc.edu (Walter Dao) writes:
>Can somebody tell me how to extract the files with a  .DMS at the end ? 
>I have never encountered such archives before. 
>please , any help is welcome . I now have 2 files with .dms at the end
>sitting in my harddisk doing nothing ...
>				Walter

  You need a program called DMS, which is titled 'Disk Masher', but will
be found on BBS's as DMS100.EXE, DMS101.EXE, or DMS102.EXE, with 100 as
version 1.0, 102 as vers 1.02, etc.
  EXE files can be decompressed simply by executing those files.
  DMS files are written to floppies in the same way as Warp, Lhwarp, Zoom, 
Zap, and Dimp write to floppies (all data on the floppy is overwritten).
DMS is the official succesor to Warp and Unwarp. 

  Zoom is the fastest disk archiver, then DMS, then Warp, the Lhwarp (never
tried Zap or Dimp). Zoom also has an intuition interface. DMS has much
support, and intends to have 68020 or 68030 support, plus EXE type disk
archiving, intuition interface, and also AMAX!/Atari ST/IBM format archiving.

  As stated in the DMS docs, any version of Warp or Unwarp beyond 1.2
probably contains a virus, and should be destroyed. There is also a program
know as NibWarp or WarpNibbler that does not contain a version number, and
is not supported by the original makers of Warp and DMS. 

  DMS is also Warp compatible (or will soon be). I think there may be a
converter program available now that transfers from Warp to DMS.

DavidTiberio SUNYStonyBrook2-3605 AMIGA TotoProductions DDDMEN

jonb@ringsoft.UUCP (Jonathan Brauer) (03/07/91)

There is a dms program called dms102.exe.  If you have an idea on how to get
it to you I will.  Hum.......... Is there someway to send programs accross
these things?  I'm new here.
