[comp.sys.amiga.misc] Amiga System For Sale

sarge@percy.rain.com (Rod Sargent) (03/07/91)

     Complete Amiga 2000 system available for sale (in whole or in part).
     This machine is in LIKE NEW CONITION!
     Monitor, external drive, hard disk, Bridgeboard with Math Co-Proc.,
     If interested, reply via mail or call
                             (503) 682-5008
     Two other 2000 systems are available (in whole or in part) to 
      interested buyers.  These systems are approx 2 years old and without
      any manuals or original boxes.  The newer system comes with
      all its original packaging and manuals (some equipment still under

 ...!tektronix!percy!sarge     |  Opinions other than mine own are 
 ...!sun!nosun!percy!sarge     |  of little consequence...after all,
   sarge@percy.rain.com        |  I am always right!