[comp.sys.amiga.misc] STarBlazer SCSI interface

gilgalad@caen.engin.umich.edu (Ralph Seguin) (03/07/91)

Hi.  Has anybody had any experience with the StarBlazer SCSI interface from
MAST?  Any good?  I'm looking for a good SCSI controller (at a low cost :).
Autoboot would be nice.  What about Xetec?  Comspec?  Information is
greatly appreciated.
While I'm here... has anybody played with the ColorBurst board?  Is it any
good?  I've seen DCTV and it is GREAT!  I'm just wondering what the ColorBurst
is like.

			Thanks, Ralph

Ralph Seguin			rps@arbortext.com
536 South Forest Apt. #915	gilgalad@caen.engin.umich.edu
Ann Arbor, MI 48104		(313) 662-4805

Doug_B_Erdely@cup.portal.com (03/08/91)

 Make sure to check out HAM-E too! Looks pretty nice as well... RGB and is
LESS than the DCTV

	- Doug -
