[comp.sys.amiga.misc] What is the ftp site abcdf...?

jcfst@unix.cis.pitt.edu (John C. Fossum) (03/06/91)

     I can't remember the extension for the abcdf...? ftp site. Can
anyone help me out. I need a slideshow program off of a Fred Fish di.
Any quick help would be appreciated.

-Steve M. Suhy

reeves@dvinci (Malcolm Reeves) (03/07/91)

From article <100022@unix.cis.pitt.edu>, by jcfst@unix.cis.pitt.edu (John C. Fossum):
>      I can't remember the extension for the abcdf...? ftp site. Can
> anyone help me out. I need a slideshow program off of a Fred Fish di.
> Any quick help would be appreciated.
> -Steve M. Suhy

The site is ab20.nasa.gov
Timo Salmi also has the fred fish collection at in Finland

mtpins@umaxc.weeg.uiowa.edu (Firestar) (03/07/91)

From article <1991Mar7.004629.2333@herald.usask.ca>, by reeves@dvinci (Malcolm Reeves):
> From article <100022@unix.cis.pitt.edu>, by jcfst@unix.cis.pitt.edu (John C. Fossum):
:>      I can't remember the extension for the abcdf...? ftp site. Can
:> anyone help me out. I need a slideshow program off of a Fred Fish di.
:> Any quick help would be appreciated.
> The site is ab20.nasa.gov
> Timo Salmi also has the fred fish collection at in Finland

If you are looking for fish disks either isca.icaen.uiowa.edu or 
ux1.cso.uiuc.edu are better places to look than ab20.


* Michael Pins (Firestar)     |   Internet: mtpins@umaxc.weeg.uiowa.edu     *
* ISCA's Amiga Librarian      |         #include <std.disclaimer>           *

greg@ccwf.cc.utexas.edu (Greg Harp) (03/07/91)

[I hate to follow up to such a cross-posted article, but the following
 info is wrong according to my our system.]

In article <1991Mar7.004629.2333@herald.usask.ca> reeves@dvinci writes:
>The site is ab20.nasa.gov
>Timo Salmi also has the fred fish collection at in Finland

The correct name is abcfd20.larc.nasa.gov.  You got the address right.

       Greg Harp       |"How I wish, how I wish you were here.  We're just two
                       |lost souls swimming in a fishbowl, year after year,
greg@ccwf.cc.utexas.edu|running over the same ground.  What have we found?
  s609@cs.utexas.edu   |The same old fears.  Wish you were here." - Pink Floyd

greg@ccwf.cc.utexas.edu (Greg Harp) (03/07/91)

In article I write:
>[I hate to follow up to such a cross-posted article, but the following
> info is wrong according to my our system.]

Make that twice.

>In article <1991Mar7.004629.2333@herald.usask.ca> reeves@dvinci writes:
>>The site is ab20.nasa.gov
>The correct name is abcfd20.larc.nasa.gov.  You got the address right.
>                       ^^
>                      Note!

It has come to my attention via email that ab20... is also valid, but the 
'.larc' section was left out of the post previous to mine. The following
is what I get from nslookup.

    Script started on Thu Mar  7 03:21:37 1991
    sylvester.cc.utexas.edu% nslookup ab20.nasa.gov
    Server:  ccwf.cc.utexas.edu

    *** ccwf.cc.utexas.edu can't find ab20.nasa.gov: Non-existent domain
    sylvester.cc.utexas.edu% nslookup abcfd20.larc.nasa.gov
    Server:  ccwf.cc.utexas.edu

    Non-authoritative answer:
    Name:    abcfd20.larc.nasa.gov

    sylvester.cc.utexas.edu% nslookup ab20.larc.nasa.gov
    Server:  ccwf.cc.utexas.edu

    Non-authoritative answer:
    Name:    ab20.larc.nasa.gov

    script done on Thu Mar  7 03:22:34 1991

We thank you for your support.

       Greg Harp       |"How I wish, how I wish you were here.  We're just two
                       |lost souls swimming in a fishbowl, year after year,
greg@ccwf.cc.utexas.edu|running over the same ground.  What have we found?
  s609@cs.utexas.edu   |The same old fears.  Wish you were here." - Pink Floyd

tadguy@abcfd01.larc.nasa.gov (Tad Guy) (03/08/91)

reeves@dvinci (Malcolm Reeves) writes:
> jcfst@unix.cis.pitt.edu (John C. Fossum):
> >      I can't remember the extension for the abcdf...? ftp site.
> The site is ab20.nasa.gov

Actually, it's ab20.larc.nasa.gov.  I know.  It's my workstation.  :-)

The `cfd' was removed from the name several months ago, but still
works for sites using the DNS because a CNAME (alias) record was
installed to let the old name continue to work. 

Move this to comp.sys.amiga.misc -- comp.sys.amiga is dead.


phil@adam.adelaide.edu.au (Phil Kernick) (03/08/91)

The site that you are looking for is:

$ host ab20.larc.nasa.gov


o|      ///   Phil Kernick              EMail:  phil@adam.adelaide.edu.au    |o
 |     ///    Departmental Engineer     Phone:  +618 228 5914                |
o| \\\///     Dept. of Psychology       Fax:    +618 224 0464                |o
 |  \///      University of Adelaide    Mail:   GPO Box 498 Adelaide SA 5001 |