[comp.sys.amiga.misc] Hhhhhelllllpppp !!!!!!!!!!!!

mac1@ra.MsState.Edu (Dude) (03/05/91)

  Somebody recently told me that it is not possible to run PAL programs on an
NTSC machine that I'm using right now. I have tons of software in UK and my
parents are about to send it to me. I'm worried to death !! Can somebody tell
me if the guy is right or wrong ? I'll relly appreciate any help in this   
regard. If thats true then is ther any simple or complicated solution to this
problem. Hell alot of thanks in advance.   Mob

tope@enea.se (Tommy Petersson) (03/06/91)

In article <mac1.668114441@ra> mac1@ra.MsState.Edu (Dude) writes:
>  Somebody recently told me that it is not possible to run PAL programs on an
>NTSC machine that I'm using right now. I have tons of software in UK and my
>parents are about to send it to me. I'm worried to death !! Can somebody tell
>me if the guy is right or wrong ? I'll relly appreciate any help in this   
>regard. If thats true then is ther any simple or complicated solution to this
>problem. Hell alot of thanks in advance.   Mob

Amigas with 1Meg or 2Meg Agnus can switch between PAL and NTSC.

If you have an A1000, no luck if you don't buy a Rejuvinator or something
similar that makes it more compatible with the newer machines. (costs)

If you have an A3000, lucky you!

Last, a 500 or 2000 may have the 1Meg Agnus if it is new. Otherwise it
is easy to install it in the 2000 and should be more difficult but
possible in thje 500. It could then be switched by software or a hardware

I don't know what the chip costs, but maybe $50 - $100?

The chip swap voids your warranty, but you are probably out of warranty
anyway if you haven't the 1Meg Agnus.

Tommy Petersson

al158305@mtecv2.mty.itesm.mx (Gustavo Cordova Avila) (03/07/91)

mac1@ra.MsState.Edu (Dude) writes:

>  Somebody recently told me that it is not possible to run PAL programs on an
>NTSC machine that I'm using right now. I have tons of software in UK and my
>parents are about to send it to me. I'm worried to death !! Can somebody tell
>me if the guy is right or wrong ? I'll relly appreciate any help in this   
>regard. If thats true then is ther any simple or complicated solution to this
>problem. Hell alot of thanks in advance.   Mob

   They guy was right, only that you *need* to have in your machine
the new agnus chip. If you *do* have in installed, then you only need
to run a little program like BPD ("Boot PAL Dammit!") or BootMenu
which will install a little wedge on bootup that'll change a little
bit in the agnus chip to change from ntsc to pal.
   You can FTP these progs from NewXanth (I can't remember the numeric
address right now, but the sites name it ab20.larc.nasa.gov). If you don't
have access to ftp email me and I'll get send them to you.

   Good luck!!

Gustavo Cordova
| From Mexico!  Majoring in Electronics Systems Engineering, |
| ITESM presents to you: Gustavo Cordova Avila!!!            |
| And then I woke up :) +------------------------------------+

garyf@wiis.wang.com (Gary Field) (03/08/91)

mac1@ra.MsState.Edu (Dude) writes:

>  Somebody recently told me that it is not possible to run PAL programs on an
>NTSC machine that I'm using right now. I have tons of software in UK and my
>parents are about to send it to me. I'm worried to death !! Can somebody tell
>me if the guy is right or wrong ? I'll relly appreciate any help in this   
>regard. If thats true then is ther any simple or complicated solution to this
>problem. Hell alot of thanks in advance.   Mob

It depends upon how the programs were written. If they depend on certain
timing paramters without checking whether the machine is PAL or NTSC they
could have problems. C= supplies developers with example routines for
properly handling the differences, but not all developers are conscientious
or broad minded enough to bother. I think most commercial packages will
work OK though.

|   Gary A. Field - WA1GRC          |    GGG     A    RRRR   Y   Y     FFFFF
|   Wang Labs M/S 019-72B           |   G   G   A A   R   R  Y   Y     F 
|   1 Industrial Ave                |   G      A   A  R   R   Y Y      F
|   Lowell, MA 01851-5161           |   G  GG  AAAAA  RRRR     Y       FFFFF
|   (508) 967-2514                  |   G   G  A   A  R  R     Y       F
| email: garyf@gfield.wiis.wang.com |    GGGG  A   A  R   R    Y       F
|          Anything not worth doing, is not worth doing well. 