[comp.sys.amiga.misc] CLTD Controller/Ram expansion

specter@disk.uucp (Byron Max Guernsey) (03/09/91)

I am still seeking information on the CLTD Controller and its accompanying SCSI
DOS 3.0. I bought 2 31 meg drives and a CLTD controller with no docs or 
information on it and I have problems now and then.

1 problem is read/write errors. From time to time I will be downloading and IT
says the drive has a READ/WRITE error when it really turns out that the software
or the board itself has CRASHED. I exit the term and do a dir of the hard drive
and nothing is there. So I reset the machine and turn off the drive and it
restores normal operation. 

The format utility I have does not seem to allocate bad blocks either. Instead 
I went through and use diskdoctor after a fresh format to find the bad blocks,
then used TFILE to allocate those blocks in a file. It seems to work ok, but
there has got to be a more efficient way to do it. 

I am considering trashing the CLTD driver and hardware and buying something new
and better. It is slow an anoyying and CRASHES way too much.

Secondly, I have a Starboard II ram expansion with 1 meg. I would like to expand
it to 2 megs, but I bought this used too with no docs and no ordering
info as to how much the other meg would cost. Does anyone have any information
on the price of JUST the extra ram? Can I order another meg from Microbotics and
just plug it in? Is it possible to build this board myself? And finally, how
much is it (Assumin around 75$?!?) 

Also, how much is a 68881 (??) math coprocessor?! 

My last request got no reply at all, so even if you don't know, consider sending
me a message saying "I dunno" :)


Byron 'Maxwell' Guernsey                         |       ///  //\\
specter@disk.UUCP     or                         |      ///  //  \\
uunet!ukma!corpane!disk!specter                  |  \\\///  //====\\
"We're not going to give you 500 dimes..." - SNL |   \\\/  //      \\ m i g a