[comp.sys.amiga.misc] amiga to mac disk

kez224@leah.albany.edu (ZINSSAR KENNETH E) (03/07/91)

I need something to let me take a text file on the amiga and have
a Mac be able to read the disk. I have a paper due monday and the only
computer with a printer is a mac at school, I have an amiga at home and want 
to type my paper. save as a text file, copy the file to a mac format disk
and read it in on the mac, format the file, and print. 
A hassel, but I never had need for a printer before...
Is there a program that will let me do this. 

kkrueger@zeus.unomaha.edu (03/10/91)

In article <1991Mar6.205047.22740@sarah.albany.edu>, kez224@leah.albany.edu (ZINSSAR KENNETH E) writes:
> I need something to let me take a text file on the amiga and have
> a Mac be able to read the disk. I have a paper due monday and the only
> computer with a printer is a mac at school, I have an amiga at home and want 
> to type my paper. save as a text file, copy the file to a mac format disk
> and read it in on the mac, format the file, and print. 
> A hassel, but I never had need for a printer before...
> Is there a program that will let me do this. 

   If you have a Mac with a SuperDrive at school and you have Cross DOS, you
can copy your Amiga file to an IBM-formatted disk, take the disk to school,
and use Apple File Exchange to read it in.

Kurt Krueger | BITNET:   kkrueger@unoma1           |        //\
MBA student  | Internet: kkrueger@zeus.unomaha.edu |      \X/--\ M I G A