[comp.sys.amiga.misc] TeX: its purpose? Other applications

sysop@insider.zer.sub.org (03/10/91)

> What does TEX do? Someone replied to me that it converts Postscript
> to dot matrix/inkjet graphics, but as I searched through ftp sites for
> stuff, TeX seems to do more than just that!!!!

Well, that person must have been thinking of something else, though the 
AmigaTeX-Implementation is at least partly pretty close to that...

TeX itself is originally written by Donald E. Knuth. It's a typesetting 
program, or you what would be a bit more describing, a `text compiler', as 
it reads ASCII-text and translates it into the finished output. In contrast 
to Word processors or DTP-programs, you don't let the program do, what it 
wants, but program the program in order to get what YOU want. Also, the 
programing capabilities you have give you the posibility to do just about 
anything you want to do (e.g a BASIC-Interpreter ...)

> Can someone please inform me of all the functions and applications of TeX,
> as well as how to use with other programs/applications (like word processors,
> publishing,.....)

As mentioned, TeX can do just about anything that you are able to describe 
(read: program) to the system. Also, many of very useable routines are 
already written and widely available. The only `problem' with TeX in general 
is, that you will have to be willing to learn before you can really control 
it. It will take about a week and `The TeXbook' (from D.E.Knuth) to get 
going with it (or a friend who knows it, then only about 4 hours), and 
another 2 to 3 months of constant useage to really get the fine points of 
typesetting right... but the result of it all is worth the work...

Returning to Amiga-Topics, let's have a small look at AmiagTeX, IMHO one 
of the few excellent implementations.

AmigaTeX takes advantage of the Amigas multitasking, as e.g. TeX and Preview 
(the program to display what TeX created) communicate with each other, thus 
showing a new page as soon as TeX is finished with it.

Also, AmigaTeX can be controlled totally using AREXX. On a System with 
anything more than 1.5 Megs, you can have for example CED, AmigaTeX and 
Preview running at the same time, and can get from the editor to the 
previewer by just pressing one key.

With the new 3.1-version of AmigaTeX, Tom Rokicki has just about left behind 
_every_ other TeX-implementation. Here's just a short overview of what's 
going to be in there:

- gerneral postscript suppotr. You don't have a PS-Printer?  who cares! 
  AmigaTeX does it itself (using Adrian Aylward's POST-program). Also, PS 
  will be used to implement graphics abilities. (Goodbye PiCTeX! [a picture-
  macro package])

- PS-Fonts can be converted to TeX's PK-format. All you need is Type 1 or 
  Type 3 PS-Fonts...

- Landscape-Mode for all printers, different than standard paper sizes

Plus another half a'dozen little improvements. Thinking about getting TeX 
for the Amiga ? Go ahead! You might get on eof the PD-Version to take a look 
at it, but if you really plan on getting to work with TeX, you won't get 
'round AmigaTeX. It is one of the few software packages that are very 
reliable (only had one crash in 2 years of using it, and that was my own 

> As long as I'm askin', what is LaTeX and other program that specifically use
> TeX?

Marco packages. Kind of `subroutines' to call. 

> This may be a large order, but I appreciate the help.

Hope this helped...

   SysOp @ INSIDER    --    Bugs ? Data Becker & GFA only produce FEATURES!