[comp.sys.amiga.misc] Fred Fish disk #444 and Citadel

gstimp@nexus.bison.mb.ca (gstimp) (03/06/91)

Does anyone know of an FTP site that has Fred Fish disk #444?  Theres a 
bbs program on there I would like to get my hands on.
Also, I'm looking for sites that carry doors for the Citadel BBS 
program.  I haven't come across any, except for one which changes the 
user application.
Thanks in advance,

wally@pallas.athenanet.com (Wally Hartshorn) (03/11/91)

Citadel doors don't need to be anything special, just something which
writes to stdout and reads from stdin.  Alas, most programs open their
own window.  You might also try picking up a copy of Empire, as that
works fine with Citadel.  (I'm running it on my system, The Quest.)
Are you running a Citadel now?  If so, what system do you run?  Are you
on the Citadel network?  If you're not, you're missing out on THE best
feature of Citadel.
Wally Hartshorn (uunet!pallas!wally or wally@athenanet.com)
President, Amiga Computer Enthusiasts of Springfield (ACES)
Chronicler, Shire of Swordcliff, SCA
Sysop, The Quest, F&SF BBS, Citadel-68K node US (217) 546-7608