[comp.sys.amiga.misc] Elvis

hychejw@infonode.ingr.com (Jeff W. Hyche) (03/02/91)

While in search of a vi editor for the Amiga, I came aross something
called elvis.  All that was in the archive was some binary files, the
editor, and a termcap file.  No docs.  How do you get this program to
run.  First it returned env editor not set.  So I set one based on
the Termcap text file.  Next it exited with /etc/termcap not found.  So
I moved termcap to a dir called /etc, it exited with the same error
message.  What gives?  Anyone got this program to run?  Maybe is should
played with it longer. 
                                  // Jeff Hyche           
    There can be only one!    \\ //  Usenet: hychejw@infonode.ingr.com
                               \X/   Freenet: ap255@po.CWRU.Edu

mtpins@umaxc.weeg.uiowa.edu (Firestar) (03/02/91)

From article <1991Mar1.181320.6868@infonode.ingr.com>, by hychejw@infonode.ingr.com (Jeff W. Hyche):
> While in search of a vi editor for the Amiga, I came aross something
> called elvis.  All that was in the archive was some binary files, the
> editor, and a termcap file.  No docs.  How do you get this program to
> run.  First it returned env editor not set.  So I set one based on
> the Termcap text file.  Next it exited with /etc/termcap not found.  So
> I moved termcap to a dir called /etc, it exited with the same error
> message.  What gives?  Anyone got this program to run?  Maybe is should
> played with it longer. 

I will probably put a doc file in the one I have on isca.icaen.uiowa.edu. 
because I never would have figured it out without the help of snoopdos.
To get elvis to run - copy the termcap to S:
                      "setenv TERM AA"
                      run vi

Everything should then work.  I seem to remember changing the li# in termcap
to 23 as that's all the lines you actually get on the workbench screen.


* Michael Pins (Firestar)     |   Internet: mtpins@umaxc.weeg.uiowa.edu     *
* ISCA's Amiga Librarian      |         #include <std.disclaimer>           *

peter@sugar.hackercorp.com (Peter da Silva) (03/02/91)

In article <1991Mar1.181320.6868@infonode.ingr.com> hychejw@infonode.ingr.com (Jeff W. Hyche) writes:
> While in search of a vi editor for the Amiga, I came aross something
> called elvis.  All that was in the archive was some binary files, the
> editor, and a termcap file.  No docs.

Yep, it's a quick port, not amiga-ised. There is a guy out there somewhere
doing a real Amiga port, and I have not got the time to do it myself. There
has been a complete major release since I started my port, so I've been
putting it on hold. This program is a teaser and an incentive for the guy
doing the real port to get it done.

> How do you get this program to run.

Put the termcap file in S: under the name "termcap", set your TERM environment
variable to "amiga" and type "elvis".

The "termlib" library it uses as previously been posted to alt.sources.amiga.
I could post it again if it might encourage someone with more time to spare
to get the port done right.
Peter da Silva.   `-_-'

thomas@diku.dk (Thomas Nikolajsen) (03/03/91)

peter@sugar.hackercorp.com (Peter da Silva) writes:
>> How do you get this program to run.

>Put the termcap file in S: under the name "termcap", set your TERM environment
>variable to "amiga" and type "elvis".

I had some problems, elvis wouldn't start, saying something like
 couldn't open tmp-file
It turned out that the elvis variable DIRECTORY had to be set
 setenv EXINIT DIR=df0:t
DIRECTORY defaults to ram:t, but the file-system ram-handler seems to have
an error (doesn't like the long names I think).

If you aren't using ram-handler for RAM: (system default), but maybe some RRD
(VD0: or the like), then the above shouldn't matter.

PS. I used the program snoopdos (posted in c.s.a) to guess the reason.

>Peter da Silva.   `-_-'

thomas@diku.dk, Thomas Nikolajsen, Dept. of CS, U. of Copenhagen, Denmark

rik@monu6.cc.monash.edu.au (Rik Harris) (03/04/91)

mtpins@umaxc.weeg.uiowa.edu (Firestar) writes:

>From article <1991Mar1.181320.6868@infonode.ingr.com>, by hychejw@infonode.ingr.com (Jeff W. Hyche):
>> While in search of a vi editor for the Amiga, I came aross something
>> called elvis.  All that was in the archive was some binary files, the
>> editor, and a termcap file.  No docs.  How do you get this program to
>> run.

>I will probably put a doc file in the one I have on isca.icaen.uiowa.edu. 
>because I never would have figured it out without the help of snoopdos.
>To get elvis to run - copy the termcap to S:
>                      "setenv TERM AA"
>                      run vi

>Everything should then work.  I seem to remember changing the li# in termcap
>to 23 as that's all the lines you actually get on the workbench screen.

I have 30 lines on my shell screen (as I have a PAL machine).  When I
tried to add another entry (eg amiga30), it did not recognise the new
terminal.  Even the amiga48 that was there already did not work.  I
had to change the li# entry, but you shouldn't have to do that.  I
expect to require a number of other terminals (t10, vt100, vt330, etc)
and I want to know why I can't add new entries to the termcap file.
Any clues, anyone?

>					Firestar
Rik Harris - rik@sola.fcit.monash.edu.au or harris@monu6.cc.monash.edu.au
who died of administration on the 20th of December 1990
Faculty of Computing and Information Technology,
Monash University, Caulfield Campus, Australia

jerry@truevision.com (Jerry Thompson) (03/05/91)

In article <4682@ns-mx.uiowa.edu> mtpins@umaxc.weeg.uiowa.edu (Firestar) writes:
>To get elvis to run - copy the termcap to S:
>                      "setenv TERM AA"
>                      run vi

I tried this.  I got "Can't create temporary file, errno=1".  Now what?
Jerry Thompson                 |     // checks  ___________   | "I'm into S&M,
I loved the peace and solitude | \\ //   and    |    |    |   |  Sarcasm and
so much, I invited my friends. |  \X/ balances /_\   |   /_\  |  Mass Sarcasm."

cg@ami-cg.UUCP (Chris Gray) (03/06/91)

In article <1991Mar04.160630.25026@truevision.com> jerry@truevision.com
(Jerry Thompson) writes:
>In article <4682@ns-mx.uiowa.edu> mtpins@umaxc.weeg.uiowa.edu (Firestar) write
>>To get elvis to run - copy the termcap to S:
>>			"setenv TERM AA"
>>			run vi
>I tried this.	I got "Can't create temporary file, errno=1".  Now what?

It did actually startup for me. I don't know what is different about my
setup, however. It worked for a few seconds, then gurued. Also, do NOT
'run vi', since it wants its input from standard-in (your shell window).
You could 'run' it if you redirected standard-in to a new con: window, I
suppose, but since it crashed so quickly for me, I didn't try it. (I'm
running an A2500 with 5Meg.)

Chris Gray   alberta!ami-cg!cg	 or   cg%ami-cg@scapa.cs.UAlberta.CA

al158305@mtecv2.mty.itesm.mx (Gustavo Cordova Avila) (03/06/91)

hychejw@infonode.ingr.com (Jeff W. Hyche) writes:

>While in search of a vi editor for the Amiga, I came aross something
>called elvis.  All that was in the archive was some binary files, the
>editor, and a termcap file.  No docs.  How do you get this program to
>run.  First it returned env editor not set.  So I set one based on
>the Termcap text file.  Next it exited with /etc/termcap not found.  So
>I moved termcap to a dir called /etc, it exited with the same error
>message.  What gives?  Anyone got this program to run?  Maybe is should
>played with it longer. 
>                                  // Jeff Hyche           
>    There can be only one!    \\ //  Usenet: hychejw@infonode.ingr.com
>                               \X/   Freenet: ap255@po.CWRU.Edu

   You have to do something like this:
1> create a directory called "ram:env" and do an "assign env: ram:env"
2> create an environment variable called "TERM" which contains the name
   of the terminal you're using (amiga). In other words, do something
   like: "setenv TERM amiga" or, like "echo >env:TERM amiga"
   (environment vars are actually tiny files)
3> move the termcap file to you're "s:" directory
4> run it.

   I did all that and it seemed want to run, but somehow, it didn't :(
good luck!

Gustavo Cordova
| Gustavo Cordova Avila		 | Electronics Systems Engineering   |
| pl158305@tecmtyvm.bitnet	 | major, @ Monterrey Tech, Mexico.  |
| al158305@mtecv2.mty.itesm.mx	 | I.T.E.S.M. Monterrey, NL, Mexico  |

peter@sugar.hackercorp.com (Peter da Silva) (03/06/91)

In article <1991Mar4.043238.4063@monu6.cc.monash.edu.au> rik@monu6.cc.monash.edu.au (Rik Harris) writes:
> I have 30 lines on my shell screen (as I have a PAL machine).  When I
> tried to add another entry (eg amiga30), it did not recognise the new
> terminal.

Did you change TERM to amiga30?

> and I want to know why I can't add new entries to the termcap file.

You should be able to. That's the whole point of using a termcap file.
Peter da Silva.   `-_-'

peter@sugar.hackercorp.com (Peter da Silva) (03/06/91)

In article <1991Mar04.160630.25026@truevision.com> jerry@truevision.com (Jerry Thompson) writes:
> I tried this.  I got "Can't create temporary file, errno=1".  Now what?

AZTEC errno.h defines that as ENOENT: No Such File or Directory.

It attempts to create the temporary file in T:. Do you have that assigned?
Peter da Silva.   `-_-'

peter@sugar.hackercorp.com (Peter da Silva) (03/06/91)

In article <1991Mar3.084437.13412@odin.diku.dk> thomas@diku.dk (Thomas Nikolajsen) writes:
> It turned out that the elvis variable DIRECTORY had to be set
>  setenv EXINIT DIR=df0:t
> DIRECTORY defaults to ram:t, but the file-system ram-handler seems to have
> an error (doesn't like the long names I think).

Ah-ha! I'm using 2.0. I guess that's a 1.3 bug fixed in 2.0. You can also
assign t: elsewhere, but it's probably cleaner to do it this way.
Peter da Silva.   `-_-'

lampi@simeoni.it.lut.fi (Mikko Lampi) (03/06/91)

mtpins@umaxc.weeg.uiowa.edu (Firestar) writes:

>I will probably put a doc file in the one I have on isca.icaen.uiowa.edu. 
>because I never would have figured it out without the help of snoopdos.
>To get elvis to run - copy the termcap to S:
>                      "setenv TERM AA"
>                      run vi

Could you consider posting the docfile here in comp.sys.amiga.misc too. It
would be a great help for those (like me) who try to get Elvis alive :-)

P.S. I seem to have some problems with cursorkeys. Elvis doesn't recognize them
     only the classic h,j,k,l work. Some help about how to get them working
     would be greatly appreciated.

*Mikko Lampi (lampi@kannel.lut.fi) Lappeenranta University of technology* 
*Forgive all spaelling misteakes :=) and humor my stupid thoughts like  *
*superior creatures should.                                             *

lou@vaxsc (03/06/91)

hychejw@infonode.ingr.com (Jeff W. Hyche) writes:

>While in search of a vi editor for the Amiga, I came aross something
>called elvis.  All that was in the archive was some binary files, the

Speaking of which, does anybody know if this (or another vi type editor)
uses a custom screen, or window for its sessions?  In other words, I want
to leave my current cli window alone, have vi open a new window, of the 
appropriate size as specified in the termcap file?

thanx ahead!

        -Lou Williams            Via Bitnet :   william8@niehs.bitnet
                                Via Internet:   lou@vaxsc.niehs.nih.gov
        Computer Sciences Corporation,    Research Triangle Park, NC
        -Sometimes in order to feel better about yourself, you have to
        make others feel bad, and I'm tired of making others feel good
        about themselves.               -Homer Simpson.

rik@monu6.cc.monash.edu.au (Rik Harris) (03/07/91)

jerry@truevision.com (Jerry Thompson) writes:

>In article <4682@ns-mx.uiowa.edu> mtpins@umaxc.weeg.uiowa.edu (Firestar) writes:
>>To get elvis to run - copy the termcap to S:
>>                      "setenv TERM AA"
>>                      run vi

>I tried this.  I got "Can't create temporary file, errno=1".  Now what?

I did a mkdir ram:t

Rik Harris - rik@sola.fcit.monash.edu.au or harris@monu6.cc.monash.edu.au
who died of administration on the 20th of December 1990
Faculty of Computing and Information Technology,
Monash University, Caulfield Campus, Australia

peter@sugar.hackercorp.com (Peter da Silva) (03/09/91)

In article <1991Mar06.132150.12698@lut.fi> lampi@simeoni.it.lut.fi (Mikko Lampi) writes:
> I seem to have some problems with cursorkeys. Elvis doesn't recognize them
> only the classic h,j,k,l work. Some help about how to get them working
> would be greatly appreciated.

Like I said, quick and dirty. You could try remapping your keyboard...?
Peter da Silva.   `-_-'

tym@dec14.cs.monash.edu.au (Tim MacKenzie) (03/11/91)

In <1991Mar9.052448.15064@sugar.hackercorp.com> peter@sugar.hackercorp.com (Peter da Silva) writes:

>In article <1991Mar06.132150.12698@lut.fi> lampi@simeoni.it.lut.fi (Mikko Lampi) writes:
>> I seem to have some problems with cursorkeys. Elvis doesn't recognize them
>> only the classic h,j,k,l work. Some help about how to get them working
>> would be greatly appreciated.

>Like I said, quick and dirty. You could try remapping your keyboard...?

This isn't necessary, all you need to do is correct the termcap entries for
kr,kl,ku and kd, which are not amiga'ised. Instead of \E (A,B,C,D) use
\233 (A,B,C,D). This works... I just did it myself.

BTW: I began a port of elvis about 3 months ago (using ARP [Go on... flame
me pete :)]) but stopped due to lack of hard drive and a obscure bug. It was
almost working... partly amiga'ised (it could recognise window resizes, etc).
I'll redo it now I have a hard drive so if you have any ideas, wants, gripes,
hints, etc, let me know and I'll see what we can do.

Tim MacKenzie

peter@sugar.hackercorp.com (Peter da Silva) (03/11/91)

In article <tym.668661693@dec14> tym@dec14.cs.monash.edu.au (Tim MacKenzie) writes:
> BTW: I began a port of elvis about 3 months ago...

> I'll redo it now I have a hard drive so if you have any ideas, wants, gripes,
> hints, etc, let me know and I'll see what we can do.

Well, I haven't flamed anyone for using ARP in a while :->, and since Matt
Dillon has been doing just that :->, I'll leave that unsaid. One suggestion:
use a real termcap library. I posted the one I used, and I'll mail you a copy
if you like. That way folks with nonstandard terminals and who want an editor
they can use through the serial port won't have to put up with my kludgey port.
Peter da Silva.   `-_-'